Chapter 3

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~ 10 weeks prego ~

We were going to get a ultrasound today. I don't remember but I think we might hear a heartbeat.

I couldn't help but smile as Josh, my mom, Lilly, Nathan and I get into the SUV. The car ride was very loud as we discussed the things to expect from today. We arrived at two o' clock, just on time. Only a few of us could go into the room so just Josh and I went.

The room looked exactly how I thought it would be. The medical bed and the posters of mothers and their children on the wall. There was a small desk with papers on it with a chair. There was a tv on the wall away from the bed that was currently off.

Soon, a doctor appeared. "Hello, I'm dr Waren." The female doctor smiled brightly. We introduced ourselves and then we watched her grab a few papers. She asked me a million questions.

After all that, she asked me to pull my shirt up just enough to show the belly. She put a blue jell that made me shiver from how cold I was and than took some kind of wand out and rolled it around.

The room was soon filled with a soft heartbeat. My eyes started to tear up. Josh grabs my hand. "He's beautiful." "You don't if he's a boy or girl yet!" I laugh. He gives a quick kiss to my lips. "I have high hopes." I roll my eyes.

A few moments later she looks at us with a big smile. "Congrats! Your having twins!" It took me a while to take in the thought of having twins.

Dr Warren handed me a towel to clean up and I scheduled the next appointment after she gave me a few sonograms. TWINS? I can't handle twins!

I reunited with my family in the waiting room. "How was it?!" My mom asks impatiently. "It was wonderful. Also, we're having twins!" I didn't sound as pleased as I was. Josh hands her a sonogram. She awws and continues to say they'll be cute babies.

We head home shortly after that drama. I end up making grilled cheese for us. I added ham to Lilly and I's. "Mi!" Nathan screams at me. "What?" I try to make sense of what he says. "Hm." I point to the container of ham. "You want some ham?" He nods then goes back to playing with his train on the floor.

"LILLY!" I scream. She comes running down the stairs lighting speed. "What's wrong?! How hurt is he?!" She panics. I look at her with raised eyebrows. "I just wanted to know if you prefer anything else on your grilled cheese?" She rolls her eyes. "Nah." She grabs her son and strolls back upstairs. "Crazy person." I hear her mumble.

I yell for everybody when the grilled cheese and tomato soup is done. "Seriously Tess, stop yelling." Lilly cuts up Nathan's sandwich while I cut my own into triangles.

The rest of the week went by quickly. I have started to realize that more people at my high school were starting stare. The word that I'm pregnant must be out. I'm not surprised though.

For people who have read this chapter before, I did change it so she is having twins! Sorry about changing it!

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