Chapter 9

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Drew kept running, the pain in his legs no longer mattered to him. All he wanted to do was run away, away from the danger behind him. He couldn't remember why he was running, nor what he was running away from, but it didn't cross his mind. He turned and saw Mavis following close by, holding onto his hand. His dad and mom were not far behind, Isabel in between them. He looked forward and saw the front doors: freedom.

He slammed the door open, the cold breeze of the night time hitting his face. Mavis followed just behind, Isabel catching up to them. As they turned around to find their parents, the ground began to shake. Drew started to lose his balance as a hole started to emerge from behind him. He tried to stay upright, but he couldn't stabilize himself for long. He started hearing Mavis' voice, calling out for him as he slowly leaned back into the hole.

As he went into freefall, everything got quiet except for Mavis' voice, which strangely got louder and louder as he fell deeper. He began to feel a grip on his left arm, the strength hurting more and more. Everything started turning black as Mavis voice became crystal clear.

He slowly woke up, Mavis shaking him and grabbing on to his arm as she called him to wake up. He groaned, the effects of the serum slowly wearing off. Mavis cried in happiness as Drew slowly got up. Strangely enough, he found themselves in a jail cell, a smaller, yet similar setup.

"Drew! Oh my god! Thank you so much! I thought you'd never wake up!" Mavis cried, wiping her tears off her face.

"What happened?" Drew groaned, sitting up as he regained his vision.

He looked around and saw that the jail was bigger than the one that they were previously in. Across their cell were two adults, who were looking towards their direction.

"Mavis! Is he awake?!" A familiar girl's voice called out.

He's fine, mom!" Mavis yelled back. Drew's heart began to race, realizing who the two strangers across from them. He hurried to his feet and leaned against the bars, trying to open the gates.

"Mom! Dad!" He cried out.

"Drew, we tried, there's no use..." Justin called back.

Drew continued to struggle with the gate, his frustration growing more and more.

"Sweetie, you can stop." Elaine sighed. "There's no point in trying..."

Drew threw his arms down, disappointment ran across his face. He sat down on the bed, Mavis joining him to give him a hug in comfort.

"How did you two get in here?!" Justin said curiously.

"We were trying to rescue you guys..." Drew said quietly, enough for Justin and Elaine to hear.

"Regine told us that you guys were in trouble, so we tried to rescue you guys..." Mavis continued.

"Regine...?" Elaine looked at Justin, barely recognizing the name. He turned towards Elaine, wondering where they've heard that name before.

"Wait..." Justin finally said after thinking for a moment. "You don't mean..."

"She helped us with getting all of our gadgets." Drew replied, nodding in agreement.

Justin and Elaine looked at each other, completely shocked. They couldn't believe what they've heard; a long forgotten friend finally catching up to them in time.

"That's amazing! I never thought that we would ever hear from her again, ever since Justin had to shut her down with his contract to Aperture Science" Elaine said.

"It was the hardest decision I've ever made, but I had no choice..." Justin sighed.

"This decision is already made by us anyway." A man's voice came around the corner. As everyone turned towards the voice, they saw a man in a full, armored up army suit in a blue and black color scheme, W.A.T.T. on the back of his armor. Four other similarly dressed men followed behind. Two of them walked up to Justin and Elaine's cell, where they handcuffed them and brought them outside. Drew and Mavis led the way, also handcuffed and escorted by the W.A.T.T. team. They travelled down the hallway and into a huge dark room, where four chairs with arm cuffs awaited them under heavy bright lights. An observation room to their right had the judge and a couple other members of the committee watching from a distance.

Mavis and Drew quivered in fear as the W.A.T.T. agents sat them down and cuffed them to the chairs. They looked at each other, confused and afraid of what was going on. They turned to their parents, where they were just finished getting strapped into their chairs.

"Dad? What's going on...?" Mavis's voice shook.

"Look, everything's going to be okay, alright sweetheart?" Justin replying in an unsatisfying tone.

All four agents gathered in front of the family, one agent in front of them. Drew started to squirm, trying to free himself from the horror of the nightmare as he saw guns being raised towards them. Mavis began to tear up, her teeth biting her lips to muffle the crying she didn't want her parents hearing. Justin and Elaine looked at each other, linking each other's pinkies as their last moments were made in the final minute together.

The speaker croaked to life, "Agents at the ready."

They rose their guns and aimed at their heads. Drew and Mavis shut their eyes closed, wishing they were just living a nightmare.

"Death of time: 10:04 P.M." the voice said monotonically.

"Set!" the agent in front of Mavis yelled, his voice echoed through the building.

The room became quiet, the hum of the air conditioning only penetrating the silence. Time stopped as Justin thought about everything that happened to him. His life flashed before his eyes as he stared down the barrel of the gun. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, the silence finally calming him down for his death.

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