Extra Hair Conditioner

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Dylan POV

Today is the last day of school until summer break. And I'm pretty happy about that. Through the years, I've become more womanly...if you know what I mean.

My boobs have grown in, my hair is longer, I have curves, and I've become more confident in myself. Greg moved to New England earlier in the school year and him, Andre, and I have been stuck to the hip since.

Greg's changed a lot too. He's not that young little boy anymore. He hit puberty. His voice is deep and sexy, he has some muscle and he's cute as ever. I still like him. I think I might even be in love with him.

But we're not even together, so how could I possibly love him? I don't know, it just happened. I haven't told him yet. That's the one thing I'm not confident in. Telling Greg how I feel about him.

I mean I should. Sometimes I think he likes me. Theirs a lot of sexual attention between us, but neither of us really know what to do.


My dad left early because apparently, I have a brother. Imagine my surprise when my dad woke me up and told me I had a brother while I was taking a sip of water. I spat it out all over the kitchen floor, which reminds me. I better wipe it up if I don't want to slip in it. But back to the topic of my brother. I was so mad at first, when my dad told me. I was suppose to be my dad's only child. And I know that's selfish but I've always had it that way. I don't want anything to change.

But then I started thinking some more, maybe having a brother isn't all that bad. I mean, he's my age, sixteen, so maybe he's mature enough not to get a girl pregnant.

His name is Braden.


I'm heading over to Greg's house to ride the bus with him. He called this morning saying a deer got into the house and got his mom's bra and ran in on him taking a shower, making his mom see his junk.

I walk up to the Feder's house and see Mr. Feder, Keithie, Becky, and Greg outside.

"You like a girl? Is that why you've been taking long showers?" Mr. Feder asked as he hit Becky's helmet with a rubber ball.

"No. I'm conditioning my hair. That's all I do in the shower. Condition my hair." Greg told him.

Obviously, that's a lie. So Greg likes someone?

The thought of Greg liking someone else hurts my heart a little.

"That's not what the deer told me." Mr. Feder joked.

"That deer's a liar!"

"I heard to much conditioning can make you go blind." Becky said as I was just a little bit away.

"What?! Where'd you hear that?"


"I'm gonna have to get my dad to shut his trap when he's around other children." I said taking a stand next to Greg, who turns and looked at me with a smile.

I give him a small wink and listen to Keithie.

"He's to chicken to ask her out dad, because she's the hottest girl in school. Greg is fugly."

"What? You like Nancy Arbuckle?" I asked Greg.

Nancy Arbuckle is one of my best friends. She's really pretty. With her long blonde hair and her blue eyes. She, like Keithie said, is the hottest girl in school.

"No. He likes y-." Before Keithie can finish, Greg cut him off.

"Yeah. Yep, I like Nancy."

My heart kind of just deflated. I seriously thought he liked me. I guess I was wrong. 

"Oh. Okay." I tried to sound as happy as I could. I even added in a smile.

"So he's fugly. All the guys in our family is fugly. Its doesn't stop us from getting the hot chick. Look at me then look at your mother. I mean, it makes no sense. Only in like a Hollywood movie or something." Mr. Feder said.

"Every guy in school likes her dad, " Greg said glancing at me for a second.

"And you'll be the guy who ends up with her. You know why? You're gonna follow my three step program. Number one: make the girl smile. Number two: tell her she has a nice smile. Number three: say she has to go out with you that night."

"Why that night?"

"Because it gives her less time to think about how fugly you are. Because you are fugly."

"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. And Keithie's right, I'm too chicken." Greg said.

"I don't think your fugly Greg. If that makes you feel better." I said smiling at him.

"Thanks Dylan."

I reached up and gave him a little peck on the cheek. This was a normal thing for us. Ever since we were at the lake house, we would always kiss each others cheek. Now it just means more for me, than him.

"Hey! You're a Feder! Feder's ain't afraid of women buddy. That's not the way I'm raising you."

While Keithie and his dad talk, Greg and I talk.

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