College Party

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Dylan POV

Its the middle of the day, everyone's about to get out. Greg asked me to go over to his place to have dinner with him and his family. Of course I said yes.

"And so, we reach the end of year, " The principal started over the intercom, "Fruit loop? Ten months of learning, growth, and yes hopefully a little bit of fun. But the journey we began together in September does not end today. For education is a process that does not begin and end on some set schedule...."

The bell rang before he got to continue. I went to my locker to get the rest of my belongings. Nancy was there, waiting for me.

"Hey girl." She said.

"Hey. What's up?"

"Did you hear the Feder's are having a party? The theme's the eighties. Want to come over and get ready together?"

"I'm sorry. I'm going over to the Feder's for dinner. Then my other friend Charlotte wanted me to go over to hers to help her. But how about you spend the night at mine tonight. We can watch movies, stay up late, and you can meet my brother." I suggested.

"Yeah. Okay. I didn't know you have a brother."

"Neither did I."


Greg, Andre, and I were walking out of school when we saw Braden. We walked up to him.

"What's up man?"

"Your dad picking you up?"

"Uh, I don't know. I told him it'll be cool if he stayed later at the soup kitchen, so its all me." Braden said.

"What? He's not at any soup kitchen. He's probably hanging with their dad's right now." I told him confused.

Dad never told me about going to a soup kitchen. I mean come on, this is my dad we're talking about, he doesn't do that.

"He said he was going there."

"Uh, yeah. No."

Braden looked mad, and let me tell you, he's scary when he's mad.

I might have, unintentionally, signed my own dad's death wish...

"Well, you can come on the bus with us if you want." Andre said awkwardly.

Awkward indeed..

"Nah. How bout we so something fun? How bout we do something we're not suppose too?"

"I like the way you think." I told him with a smirk.


We walk up to this fence that has a sign that's says 'No Trespassing'.

"Keep out? That's just make you want to not keep out." Braden said, going through a hole in the fence. I go in next.

Theirs these big rocks that we climb up. You can see this beautiful lake.

"I heard our dads use to come swimming up here back in the day. They claim to be all squeaky clean, but I think they were nuts."

We walk some more and see a whole bunch of college kids. A bunch of hot guys. Theirs music playing, people jumping in the lake, people dancing around.

It looks so fun.

"College kids...we better go." Greg said.

"No go, stay." Braden said. He took off his shoes and clothes and jumped in the lake.

"Yeah Greg. Let's stay."

I start taking off my shoes. I take my shirt and jeans off, leaving me in my bra and panties.

I grab Greg's hand and drag him off, "Come on, let's dance!"

I bring Greg down to the rest of the party, I turn around and place his hands on my hips and start dancing.

His eyes widen and sparkle, yet he wasn't dancing with me.

"Come on Greg! Dance!"

He starts dancing. To be honest, the dancing is kind of sexual, but I don't care. I turn around and start grinding a little on him.

"Uh, as much as I like this. I think you should stop before something happens." Greg says. I turn and see he's looking down.

I look down too and see what he's talking about. His...member is big. I grab his face and look in his eyes, "Hey. Don't feel embarrassed. I think its kind of flattering."

Suddenly we hear a lot of screaming and we see Mr. Feder jump off a cliff into the water...naked. Then my dad...naked. Then Mr. Lamonsoff, who lands on my dad.

"Ew, I just saw my dad's junk."

I said to Greg turning around and covering my face in his chest.

Love At Last (Grown Ups 2/Greg Feder)Where stories live. Discover now