Mr. Feder's Fight

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Dylan POV

The party was in motion about an hour later. Everyone was there. Their was music. Their was food.

Right now I'm dancing with Nancy. She looked great too. My dad was off trying to get with Fabio. She's this lady with big muscles. She can kill you with just a stare. She's not ugly. In fact, she really pretty.

She's not that bad either. She's really nice once you get to know her. And I think my dad might actually like this girl. And to be honest, I wouldn't be upset if he did. She could protect him.

A band started to play. And the music was loud. I could see Greg from across the yard on the porch steps looking at me. He had on a shirt, socks, glasses and no pants. And boy did his legs look good.

He started walking towards me when he tripped over some cords. The music stopped but Charlotte was still singing.

She's so good. I didn't know she could sing. Why didn't she tell me?!

"Smooth Greg, smooth." I said walking up to him.

"Sorry. I just really wanted to go over to you and maybe get another kiss?"

I giggle but reached up and kissed him. His lips were soft and his hands found my waste, pulling me closer. I ran my hands up his chest and behind his neck. We pulled apart and looked at each other. A total stranger could feel the sexual tension between us. And it made me think.

Will Greg be the one I lose my virginity to? Would he want that? I mean of course he would, he's a guy. A hormonal guy at that. The sexual tension has been building up for years now. And I can't help but wonder if I'll lose my virginity tonight. I mean, I wouldn't mind. I trust Greg. I love Greg. And I know he loves me and he knows he can trust me.

So maybe it will happen.


Suddenly, their was a group of people surrounding Mr. Feder and some other guy. They're moving in a circle, getting ready to fight. Mr. Feder lifts his arm to punch when, "No! Don't hit me!"

Greg and I looked at each other confused, for sure this man can take Mr. Feder.

"Please, I'm sorry. Please don't hit me. You would tear me limb from limb. Open this." He said taking Mr. Feder's hand and opening it.

"The only reason I picked on you was because I was afraid of you. Please please, please, please."

"Alright, get up. Straighten up. I'm not gonna hit you. But if you ever disrespect me, or anybody, I will hunt you down and I will slap you into a pile of tattoos, bad breath, and back zits. Do you understand me?" Mr. Feder said.

"Yes, I understand you."



"Then walk away before I change my mind."

Everyone cheered on Mr. Feder. But that was soon ruined when the college frat boys come yelling.

Love At Last (Grown Ups 2/Greg Feder)Where stories live. Discover now