Crushed Cones...Again

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Dylan POV

I'm out looking for an eighties costume now with dad and Braden. Charlotte called earlier saying she has a date with Bumpy..or something like that.

Dad and Braden is going to the party as Hall and Oats. I don't know who they are but okay. I wasn't really going as anyone in particular, I was just trying to find some eighties clothes. I see some skin tight black jeans, but I didn't really want to wear that.

Looking through some dresses I find this really cute one. It like cheetah print with pink and green. The straps were thick. It was so cute. So I bought it.


"Oh. Yeah, dad. My friend Nancy is suppose to spend the night. Is that okay?" I asked before getting out of the car.

We were at Charlotte's. I told her I was going to drop off my outfit then go surprise Greg at work.

"Yeah that's fine."

"Good. She really wants to meet you Braden." I said smiling at him.

I got out of the car and went up to the house and knocked.

Mrs. McKenzie answered," Hey Dylan. Charlotte isn't here. She's on a date."

"Oh yeah. I know. She said I can drop off my outfit. We're getting ready together."

"Sure. Okay. I'll take it to her room."

"Thank you."


It wasn't long after that I was at the Ice Cream House. I could Greg now. Wearing his cute little hat. Talking to Bailey.

"You have a costumer." He said to Greg.

Greg turned around and started talking, "I'm sorry, welcome to the Ice Cream House."

"Hi Greg." I said once he looked up.

He crushed his cones.

I remember when we were younger at the water park, the same thing happened. He was so cute.

"Hoochie mama." I heard him.

He said the same thing too.

"Dylan. Hi."

"I think you crushed your cones." I said smiling at him.

"Oh. Uh, no. That was uh, that was a squeeze test. These cones failed. Uh, we're gonna they cardboard cones next."

I let out a soft giggle.

"You're smiling. Number two, you have such a nice smile."

"Thanks. Listen Greg, I was wondering if you wanted to-."

"Go out with me tonight, before your friends say I'm fugly?" He asked cutting me off.

"Greg, I told you. You're not fugly. And I was going to ask you if you wanted to come to the party with me. So yes. I'll go out with you tonight."

"No. Freaking. Way."

"You know, you just did that three-step thing to me. All you had to do was ask." I told him.

"I was scared too."


"Because I really, really like you. Actually, I might even be in love with you. And I didn't want to ruin anything between us if you didn't feel the same."

"Oh my gosh Greg. I've been in love with you for a year." I said to him. I leaned over the counter and kissed his lips softly.

"So. I'll see you at the party later?" I asked.


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