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Dylan POV

Its finally Monday. Greg and I talked last night about what we wanted to do. He told me he had something planned, but it was a surprise. I'm not really big on surprises, but I guess I'll have to suck it up.

I wake up with a smile on my face and my hair in a nest. I quickly take a shower and and get out. The other day when Nancy was over, she met Braden. I think she kind of likes him too.

She kept twisting her hair and smiling big. From what I know about Braden, he doesn't care all that much about looks.

She doesn't need to dumb herself down like she usually does.

Once I get out of the shower, I get dressed in a pair of brand and a plain black T-shirt. I curled my hair and ran my fingers through it, making loose curls.

Greg and I aren't suppose to leave fore this 'surprise' until noon. But I'm going over to his house to hang out with him before we go.


I knocked on the door to the Feder's house. Keithie answered.

"Hey Dylan. Come in. Greg's in his room talking to himself."

I giggle, "Thanks."

I walked into the house and made my way to their living room.

"DYLAN! Can you come play with me?" Becky asked.

She used those puppy dog eyes that I just couldn't resist.

Now that I think about it, all the Feder's have the puppy eyes.


I walked over to her little dolls and picked one,"So are you still sick?"

"Uh, no. I'm much better."

"Guys! Is Dylan here yet?!" I could hear Greg yell from upstairs.

"I'm here babe!"

I put down the doll and made my way upstairs. I saw Greg at the end of the hall, I guess waiting for me.

I speed walk the rest of the way and leap in his waiting arms. I kiss his lips softly.

"Hey baby." Greg said.


"Are you ready for our date? I have everything planed!"

"So ready!"

"Okay then! Let's go."

With that, Greg grabbed my hand and we made our way out the door to this 'surprise' date.

Love At Last (Grown Ups 2/Greg Feder)Where stories live. Discover now