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Dylan POV

I wound up calling Nancy and telling her the sleepover is canceled. I definitely wasn't in the mood for one.

Instead of going home, Greg let me stay at his place. We were laying in bed, I had my head on his bare chest and he was running his hand up and down my back.

I looked up at him and kissed him. This was great. I finally got the guy, he said he loved me, and I couldn't be happier.

Greg's door was shut and locked and everyone was asleep already. I pulled myself higher up to kiss him better.

I swung my right leg over him and straddled his waste. He moves his hands to my hips. I kiss down his jawline to his neck making him moan.

"Wait. I don't think this should happen right now. I mean we just got together today." Greg's said out of breath.

"Yeah, but we've liked each other for years now and plus, theirs been a lot of tension between us." I said kissing down his chest.

"I don't want to ruin anything by going to fast." I stop and look at him.

"Okay. We won't do anything. How about we watch a movie?" I suggested.

I wasn't mad. I wasn't going to pressure him into something he wasn't ready for. I knew we could do it anytime. Hell, his parents even gave him condoms before they went to bed. They knew we were hormonal. They knew what kissing could lead to.
"Yeah okay."

I got up and walked over to his TV. I picked some movie. 'The Amazing Spider-Man'. And went back to the bed.

I laid my head back on Greg's chest and watched the movie. Ten minutes in and Greg's heart beats faster. His breathing picks up.

"Oh fuck it." He rolled over so he was hovering on top of me and kissed my neck. I moaned as quietly as I could and run my hand through his hair.

I pulled my right leg out from under him and pushed him down closer to me with it.

I reached for the hem of his shirt and pulled on it. We separated for a second. I didn't have a bra on so when he pulled my shirt off, his eyes widened.

I pushed his sweatpants off with my feet. I didn't have pants on so their was no need.

He stood up and went to his drawer and pulled out a condom.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

I knew he really wanted this. I knew he did or he wouldn't have changed his mind earlier. I nodded my head.

He pulls his boxers down and I saw his member.

It wasn't small but it wasn't huge. You know, not like it could hurt me.

He pulled my panties off almost teasingly, but I knew he was nervous.

"Okay. Ready?" I nodded again. He gently entered me and I squeaked. I didn't want to scream because people were sleeping. I yanked and scratched at the bed sheets as a couple tears fell. It hurt, it really did.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Greg kept whispering.

"No. Its okay. Uh, just move now." He began to thrust hard into me.

"Slow. Gentle."

He nodded. He got slower with his thrusts. After awhile it felt good.

Now I see why my dad has sex all the time.


Greg and I were just laying here now. We were both sweaty and tired.

"I love you." I told him before closing my eyes and falling into a deep sleep.

Love At Last (Grown Ups 2/Greg Feder)Where stories live. Discover now