Awkward Dinner

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Dylan POV

Before dinner at the Feder's, I asked Greg if I could take a shower. He let me barrow one of his shirts and some shorts to wear when I get out.

I wouldn't be taking a shower if I didn't feel so gross. After seeing my dad naked in the lake, it made me think.

'What if other people were in that lake naked too?'

I swam in that lake just minutes before. So I'm taking a shower. I wash my hair with shampoo and conditioner. Then wash my body.

Mrs. Feder was already home cooking dinner. She didn't mind that I was taking a shower.

I got out, changed and headed into Greg's room, only to see him with no shirt on. I could see his back muscles and oh, did they look good.

All I wanted to do, was go over there to him and kiss him. That's all I've been wanting to do for the past three years.

I went to his bed and laid down, watching him. He knew I was there now. In fact he gave me a smile before putting on his shirt.

"Thanks for letting me barrow some clothes."

"No problem. You look good in them. Not that you don't look good in your own, but you look extra good in mine. And now I'm rambling, sorry you just make me so nervous and I-."

"Greg. Calm down. Thank you."

We went down stairs for dinner. Keithie had his broken leg on the table and everyone was waiting for us. I sat next to Becky, in front of Greg.

I gave him a wink as Mr. Feder made a little speech.

"Okay, everybody. It wasn't a perfect day, I admit their was some downs. Sorry about the leg. The good news is, the children got through another year of school fabulously, you got older. Even though I told you not too, especially you," Mr. Feder said pointing at Becky.

"Stay young, don't leave me. Your mother prepared us her famous chicken-la- food poisoning, which were all excited to eat. I'm just kidding. But the greatest thing is, its my favorite part of the day, with my five best friends. To the Feder's! And Dylan." Mr. Feder said laughing.

We all cheered and started eating.

"Homeboy, why aren't you eating?" Mr. Feder asked Greg.

"Uh, I saw something today that made me lose my appetite."

He looked at me before looking at his dad.

"What was it? Me naked?"

What the hell! He got it right on the dot!

Greg's eyes widened and his dad looked weird too.


We started talking about the party and how the theme is the eighties, when Keithie said something unexpected.

"Why don't you ask Dylan to go with you? Or do you prefer the imaginary shower version?"

Everyone just kind of stopped eating and stared between Greg and I. Greg slammed Keithie's leg on the table and he screamed in pain.

I wasn't really uncomfortable, but you can tell Greg was. I mean his brother basically just said he thinks about me in the shower, which reminds me...shouldn't it be Nancy since he likes her so damn much?

Greg looks at me then gets up from his seat and walks to his room.

"What just happened?" I asked everyone.

"My son really likes you." Mr. Feder said.

"I thought he liked Nancy."

"Uh, no. He doesn't. He's in love with you. I heard him talking to Andre the other day about it." Keithie said.

I just kind of smile and continued eating.


After dinner, I had to leave to go find an outfit for the party.

"Tell Greg not to worry about what Keithie said and that I expect him to save me a dance at the party." I told Mrs. Feder.

"I will honey. He'll probably be late though. He's working at the Ice Cream House tonight."

"Okay. I might go visit him."

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