Getting Ready

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Dylan POV

I was leaving when I saw Charlotte at some picnic table with some boy. She looked really uncomfortable.

"Hey Charlotte. I was just about to call to see if you were home. Do you want to head over to yours now?"

She looked so relieved when she saw me. She smiled at me, "Yeah sure. See you later Bumpy."

As we walked away Charlotte turned to me saying thanks.

"Its no problem. Let's hurry and get to your house. Donna should meet us there. I have to tell you guys something."


We walked up to Charlotte's door when Donna came out of her dad's car.

They sat down on her bed and I stood in front of them.

"Greg asked me to the party!"

"Really?! That's amazing!" Donna said.

"Wait. Theirs more. We were talking and he said he might be in love with me. So naturally I told him how felt."

"Well how to you feel?" Charlotte asked.

"I told him I've been in love with him for a year. And then I kissed him."

"Awe! Dylan that's so cute! Are you two going out now?"

"Well, technically no. But I have a feeling after tonight, we will be."


We got ready. I put on my dress. It went down to about my mid thigh. Not to brag, but I looked good in it. My boobs were up and some clevelage was showing, not much.

My hair was teased and my makeup was soft. I had a light pink eye shadow, mascara, eyeliner, and some lip gloss on.

Everyone looked so good. I took a few pictures of me and the girls. It was amazing. I was going to the party with dad and Braden, and they were leaving early. So I had to go meet up with them.

I got to my house just in time to see my dad start his way to the car. When he and Braden saw me, they both went quiet.

"What?" I asked.

"You look great." Braden said.

"Thanks! So do you."


We got to Mr. Feder's place in no time.

Love At Last (Grown Ups 2/Greg Feder)Where stories live. Discover now