Surprise Date

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Dylan POV

Greg took me to this little park. It was so beautiful. Their wasn't many people and it was peaceful. When we got to our destination, I saw a tree and under it was a laid out blanket with a basket in the middle.

"We're having a picnic." Greg said smiling.

"It's perfect!"

We both sat down and started to make small conversation. The food was simple. Just little peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. And a bottle of water each.

As we're getting really to leave, Greg speaks up.

"So...did you like the date?"

"Of course I did. Thank you for doing this. It means so much," I move closer to him and put my hands around his neck, "I love you." I whispered.

I lean my forehead against his and close my eyes.

"I love you too. I love you so much," he said pulling back after a few minutes," One day...I'm going to marry you and we're going to have a family."

I smiled up at him, "I'll be waiting."

(A/N: I know it's not much, but to be honest, I didn't know what to write. I had and still have really bad writers block. So this is the last chapter. I know it's not what some of you want...but this is honestly the best I could come up with. I love you guys and I want to thank all of you for the reads and the votes. They mean so freaking much to me. Like I would give you all big huge hugs. I hope you enjoy this chapter...and I would totally understand if you didn't.)

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