Fake Being Sick

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Dylan POV

I wake up the next morning to sun in my eyes and a heavy weight over my stomach.

I turn my face away from the sun and toward Greg's. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps. His eyelashes rest just on the surface of his cheeks, and his bottom lip pokes out in a frown.

I gently move upwards to kiss him. He stirs and groans before opening his eyes.

"Hey." He said.

"Hi." I don't speak above a whisper because I get the feeling if I do everything would break, even when I know it won't.

Greg just sort of looks at me, "Last night, uh, last night was good right? I didn't hurt you bad did I?"

He was so scared of hurting me.

"Last night was perfect. Sure I'm a little sore, but I mean we had sex, aren't I suppose to be?" I said with a small laugh.

Last night was the best night I've ever had. In my whole sixteen years of living, last night was the greatest. I was told by the guy I love, that he loved me. I kicked some frat boys ass. And I lost my virginity to said guy I love.

"I love you." I whispered to him.

"I love you too." He kissed me softly, not wanting to move to fast right now.

He's so gently and sweet.

A knock at the door disturbed us though.

"Greggie? Are you and Dylan awake?" I heard Becky ask.

I quickly take notice that I'm still naked against Greg's side and so is he. And we're about three seconds away from his sister pounding on the door to let her in.

I quickly get up with Greg's cover covering me. He has a sheet over himself though.

"Uh. Uh, yeah. Just wait a minute. Uh, Dylan's not feeling to well. She's throwing up right now." Greg's said panicked.

I give him a 'what the hell' look.

I kind of just look around before making a sound like I was throwing up.

I quickly grab two pairs of Greg's boxers passing one to him, along with a pair of pants and a shirt. I put on the other pair of boxers and a shirt.

"Dylan are you okay?"

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine. Don't worry. I should feel better in no time."

I go to the door while brushing my fingers through my hair.

"See. I'm fine. Let me and Greg just clean up and we'll meet you downstairs." I told her. She gave me a smile before walking away.

"Really Greg? That's the best you had?" I asked him.

"I'm sorry, I panicked."

I go up to him and kiss him quickly, "Its okay. But for real, let's clean up so your parents don't find an empty condom wrapper on the floor."


After cleaning the room up a little, we made our way down to the rest of the Feder family.

"Hey Mrs. Feder."

"Oh honey. Here." She gave me some Pepto Bismol and a bottle of water.

"Uh, why do I need this?" I asked her confused.

"Becky told me she heard you throwing up. This will help you."

And all at once, it came to me. I did 'throw up'. Not really but I got to make them believe I did.

"Oh. Uh, thank you Mrs. Feder." As she turned around, I poured the medicine down the sink and rinsed it out.

"I guess I should get going. I don't want to get any of you sick." I said smiling at her.

"I'll walk you home." Greg said.

My house wasn't that far from here, about block away.

Greg and I made our way out. We talked the whole way to my house. Not once did we think about how ridiculous we looked in our pajamas. Not just that, but I was walking in his boxers, which must have people thinking.

"So, I'll see you tomorrow?" Greg asked.

"Uh, no. I have plans with Charlotte, but definitely Monday."

I gave him a smile and a peck on the lips before I went inside my house.

Love At Last (Grown Ups 2/Greg Feder)Where stories live. Discover now