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Dylan POV

Today Charlotte and I are going down to the New England Mall. I haven't been there in a while and I think its a good idea if we just got out and did something.

We decided to just go and watch a movie. We haven't decided on which one yet. I was currently walking to her house. Her parents said they were going to drop us off. I'm actually surprised Mr. McKenzie isn't staying to what over us, not that we can't take care of ourselves.

He's just a bit overprotective of his daughter. I heard he kind of freaked out when she went on that date with Bumpty.

I knocked on her door when I got there and Andre opened the door. He just sort of smirked.

"Hey Dylan. What a nice surprise to see you here. How has your weekend been?"

"Uh, it was great. "

I don't know why he's acting so weird, I mean all I wanted to do was get Charlotte and head to the mall. But Andre is making that kind of difficult.

"I'm sure it was great."

I narrowed my eyes, "Okay, what's going on?"

"Nothing. I was just wondering how your weekend was. Charlotte should be down in a second."

And like he said, she was. She was in cute some cute black leggings with an oversized T-shirt. Her hair was up and her face had light makeup.

"Hey Dylan. Let me get my dad and we can leave."

As she left, so did Andre, leaving me alone on their porch.


Before we got out of Mr. McKenzie's car, he gave Charlotte some money. I told him I had us covered but he insisted. But I mean, whatever floats his boat right?

Entering the mall, we went to the theatre.

"What do you want to see?" I asked Charlotte.

I didn't care what we saw, I just wanted to spend time with my best friend. We could go bungee jumping for all I care...okay maybe not that dangerous but you get the point.

"How about 'Warm Bodies'?"

"That's fine. I heard that its really good. After the movies we can go shopping?"

I really wanted to get some new clothes. I need some more summer dresses. And I may want to get a new bra for the next time Greg and I, you know.


"That movie was so good! It was the cutest thing when he turned into a human for her." I gushed.

"I know! And then he saved her from all those other zombies."

We walk into this new clothing shop, 'Barnie's Stop and Drop'.

Weird name? Yes. But the clothes are so cute. I come across this really cute light yellow dress. I think it'll look cute. I pick up two more dresses and fine a really cute bra. I go buy them and meet up with Charlotte.

"Hey! Do you want me to buy you something? Look here's a cute dress. Go try it on." I grab the dark blue dress from the rack and hand it to her.

The dress was really cute. It had patterns over it. I knew she would want it. She's been eyeing it the whole time we've been in here.

She comes out looking beautiful.

"You look amazing! I'm getting it for you. No buts!"

She goes back in the changing room, comes out and gives me the dress. I buy it and we head out to Mr. McKenzie's car, because Charlotte and I both know he's been out there waiting for us since the movie started.

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