Suspicious Dad

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Dylan POV

I walked through the door and was greeted with an angry dad and an amused Braden.

"Where were you?" Dad asked.

"I was at the Feder's."

"Why didn't you call? Do you know how worried I was? What did you do over there?" Dad said throwing every question in the book at me.

"I'm sorry I didn't call. I should have. But we really didn't do anything. You know just some boardgames. Then we went to sleep."

Okay so I lied. What do you expect me to do? I can't really tell my dad I lost my virginity to his best friend's son. My dad is very over protected of me. I don't want his friendship with Mr. Feder ruined because I had sex. He knows he can trust the Feder's. He knows he can trust me. And he knows I wouldn't just give away my innocence unless I felt safe around said person.

"Okay. But don't let this happen again without calling me." He told me coming over to me and giving me a hug. But he quickly pulled away, almost like I burned him.

"Who's clothes are you wearing?" He asked narrowing his eyes.

"Uh, Greg's?" It sounded more of a question than an answer.


"Because I spilt water on mine."

"Why didn't you just wait for it to dry? It was just water." He asked suspiciously.

"Oh. You know how clumsy I am. After I spilt water on myself, I accidentally spilt some spaghetti sauce on me from our meal."

"Mmhmm. Okay."

I gave him a tight smile and went to my room to change. I called Nancy and told her she could spend the night tonight. She immediately said yes.


Nancy arrived a couple hours later. She was already in her pajamas. She had on a black tank top with short pick shorts. It was cute. Her hair was up and out of her face and she had a bag over her left shoulder.

"Hey girl! Are you ready to have some fun?!"

I immediately nodded my head and took her hand to bring her to my room.

"My dad just left and Braden is in his room. What do you want to do first?" I asked her as we sat on my bed.

"I want to talk about you and Greg, then we can watch movies or something."

I smiled as I thought about Greg, "We're together now. We've liked each other for a while now, we just decided to admit it. And he told me he was in love with me. And I love him, oh, I love him so much. And I know. I know that we just got together and we're saying it to early, but we've been in love with each other for a while now."

I was smiling so big. Greg is the best thing in my life besides my family. He is so sweet and loving. And he trusts me. I know he won't hurt me, because he's not that kind of person. And to be honest their isn't a lot of people out there that you can trust with your feelings and I trust Greg completely with mine.

"That's so cute. Anything else?"

I just shook my head and grabbed some movies. I didn't want anyone to know about Greg and I losing our virginity to each other. That was our special time and if everyone knew, it wouldn't be special anymore. I actually don't plan on telling anyone soon. I want just Greg and I know.

Love At Last (Grown Ups 2/Greg Feder)Where stories live. Discover now