1: Damn It

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Tyler's P.O.V.

I walked unnoticed into the bar and took a seat on a barstool. I ordered a glass of Heineken, and it took forever to finally get it. As I drank it, a guy walked in through the doors that caught my eye. He was quite attractive, with his dark brown eyes and brightly coloured hair. Oh right. I was gay as hell. I wasn't sure if he was, but considering he walked straight towards a good-looking girl, I just assumed he wasn't. I continued to my drink and when he sat down next to the big-breasted whore, I saw him glance over at me and I quickly turned my head away, almost spilling my beer. I really hoped he didn't notice me, and stupidly enough, I slowly looked over my shoulder to see him, only to find that his gaze was still landed directly on me. My cheeks became hot and I gave him a small smile and a nod of the head, trying to act like an average straight guy. He gave me the same greeting and then turned back to the lady.

Later that night, more people filled the seats at the bar until I was stuck in between two big, burly guys yelling over the loud music to speak to each other. Their booming voices nearly deafened me and their breath smelled of cheeseburgers and heavy alcohol. I shrunk down in my stool and glanced over to the light red haired boy. He was still talking to the girl he was initially with, a huge smile spread from cheek to cheek. He obviously was enjoying her company. I knew he wasn't gay. I knew he could never even take a second look at me. But me, on the other hand, I liked him. At least I thought so. He was very hot. And I mean like burning up hot. What a shame that he was straight as a man happily married to a woman that he fell for as soon as he saw her.

After that night at the bar, I walked silently home to my crappy apartment building. I still had images in my mind of the pretty boy talking to the random girl. Maybe she was his girlfriend, maybe she was just a girl he saw and wanted to get to know her. Whoever she was, she was straight, so was he. I never got the courage to ask him for his name, all I got from him was a wave and a nod.

Damn it, idiot! You should have talked to him! I said to myself within my head. I shook my head at my cowardice and kicked a rock from the pavement away. I have always been like that. Never speaking my mind, staying away from what I really wanted in fears that I would eventually break them or that they wouldn't be for me.

Once I arrived at the Windy Oaks apartment building, I took my key from my pocket and opened the front door. I walked up the creaky wooden stairs that made a squeaking noise under my feet as I treaded across them. The railing moved smoothly under my hand and once I got up the stairway, the muffled stomp of my foot on the green carpeted floor was all too familiar to me from coming up these stairs time and time again.

I twisted my dull silver key in the keyhole of my apartment door and heard the click to tell me the door was unlocked, just as I heard the stomp of another person coming up those crappy old stairs. My stomach leaped at the sight of the person walking toward me. It was the guy from the bar. I rapidly turned my head back to the door and opened it slowly, allowing the sound of old hinges fill me ears.

Great, he lives in the same apartment building. Now what? Do I just ignore him? I internally argued and heard a door shut a few rooms down. At least we're not next-door neighbours.

I pressed my back against the white door and let out a deep breath I've been holding in since that guy walked past me. First of all, how the hell did I not see him before, and why did I just notice him now? I didn't know the answer to either of these questions, but I hoped to soon find the answer. He was cute, I knew that. But why did I suddenly start to like him after seeing him that one night?

I hope you liked it! The next chapter will be from Josh's point of view on that night. But no real Joshler interaction? Sorry about that.

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