15: Finally

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Tyler's P.O.V.

After Abigail and Ashley drove out of the parking lot to go back home, Josh grabbed my hand quickly and looked me in the eyes.

"Let's go get that job, alright?" He smiled at me and dragged me out to his car. The only thing I was able to do was follow him to the music shop. I didn't even know what the place was called.

We arrived to the place that we were headed to, and apparently it was called 'Jonathan's Music'. It wasn't an original name, but it was a name.

We entered through the two glass doors as a bell chimed to announce that someone had came into the small, privately-owned business. Josh was confident enough, unlike me, to walk up to the counter and ring the bell that sat on the flat surface.

A man walked out from a room with the doorway covered with curtains, probably so no one could see what was back there. It just made me curious, but I managed to brush it off.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The man asked in a friendly, upbeat tone. He had a plastered-on smile on his face, appearing to be there permanently from the years of owning the store. I just assumed it was his, since he had a name tag that read 'Jonathan'.

Josh returned the smile, I saw when I walked to his side. "We're here looking for a job, and we saw that you have a couple openings. We were just wondering what kind of job we could get here."

"Of course! We have two spots, and I believe they are a drum teacher and... A guitar teacher. Allow me to go check on that, because I might be wrong." Jonathan returned to the small back room with the velvety maroon curtains draped over the entrance, and came back as soon as he left. "Sorry, it's not a guitar teacher, but a ukulele teacher. Forgive me for my mistake. Do those interest you?"

I looked over to Josh to see his face bright and happy. He nodded. "Yes, the drumming just about does it for me. What about you, Ty?"

I shrugged. I dabbled in playing the ukulele, but nothing too serious. But I just nodded. I was sure I could improve. "Yeah, I can play ukulele." I said quietly, avoiding eye contact. That was just what I did around new people. It was a habit of mine, being shy and all.

"Perfect! Just come back soon with a resume and you have the job!" Jonathan replied with a jolly look to him.

"We will. Thanks!" Josh grinned as he left the store. "That went well, didn't it?"

I shrugged again with my right shoulder. "I guess so..."

"C'mon, what are the chances that there would be an opening in those two spots? And I had no idea you play the uke!"

"You learn something new everyday, don't you?" I simply put it. There were a lot more things I haven't told anyone, some of which I don't wish to admit. Ever. Not even to the people I trust most like Mackenzie, Ashley, or even Josh. But you never know, someday my life may depend on telling him my darkest secrets.

Josh nodded in consideration. "I suppose we do." He smiled widely and took me by my shoulder as he put his arm around it on the walk to his car.

We drove back to the apartment building, which I planned on moving out of, and made our way to my apartment instead of his.

My life was boring until he came around. I always did the same things, lived the same day over and over again, and went the same places. It had always been dull, even as a kid. I would go to school, do some homework, and talk to some friends. That was about it.

But Josh managed to change that in the short time that I've known him. And the spontaneity that he brought into my life was one of the reasons why I loved him. He was different than anyone I've ever known, and that was the truth. No one will ever be quite like him. He was the most special person in my life at the time, and he always would be, until I have no memory of my life with him.

But I knew something would come between us. I just wasn't sure what. But I would just have to wait for that thing. There was always something with every couple that had the chance of splitting them apart. I just didn't know how big of a problem that one thing would be, or how soon it would happen. I would just have wait for it a fight through it, no matter what it might have been.

But it was too big for either of us to handle. For anyone to handle.


Well, that's it. I'm so sorry for the slow updates, but I promise I will try to publish more often now that I have a plan for where I want the story to go. But I will probably end it in the next few chapters. Thanks for reading! Remember to vote and comment!

~wakeupcrybaby xoxo

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