Chapter 15: His true feeling

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"..I've fallen in love with you..".

"...". Surprised! D-did he just confess to me?! It can't be, he must have just teased me, right?
"Heheh, come on Alyn. Stop joking around, I'm not going to fall for that".

"Do I look like I'm joking?". Alyn's gaze became more intense...Gosh! he looks so serious now.

"...". I fell in silence, I don't know what to say at all...he has feeling for me?...but I like someone else..what should I do..?

" you like me?". Alyn whispered with a soft voice, his gaze never leaves mine.

"..Umm..I..". Agh! his sudden question makes me dumbfound...I remain silent, don't know what to say. At last Alyn lets go of my shoulders, and he lets out a sort sigh.

"Fine, you don't need to answer if you don't want to". He said as turning his head to look away. Seeing his attitude like this makes me feel bad somehow.

"Alyn...I'm sorry".

"Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything wrong". He said with his gaze still looking away...did I make him mad?

"I'm sorry...that I can not accept your confession". As I said so, Alyn's eyes widened at once, and he quickly turned to face me with a surprised expression. Then he says.

"...I thought you'd say that". He gives me a small smile, but behind that smile, I can see a sadness within it.
"Anyway, no matter feeling wouldn't change". Alyn adds.
I caught my breath as hearing so...I look down, avoiding meeting his gaze, I feel bad. A moment later, Alyn steps back a little.
"Shall we go enjoy the festival?". He gave me his usual smile as if nothing happened. Maybe he's trying to make me not to worry about it too much. I say nothing, but nod slightly at him. We then start walking to the stadium.


Meanwhile, Byron was preparing himself for a competition. He's heading to the basketball court with his friends, as he's walking through the crowd of students in the festival, suddenly he notices someone is walking toward him.

"Byron! Is your match going to start soon?". A voice came with a girl who is approaching Byron with a bright smile on her face.

"Oh! Lisa". Byron said as Lisa came to stand before him.
"Yeah, it's going to start". He answered as looking at her thoughtfully, he noticed that Lisa is holding a tennis racket, and wearing a sportswear.
"You have a match too?".

"Yes...In fact, the person who was chosen couldn't attend the match, so I was represented". Lisa spoke with a big smile, but Byron remained silent as listening to her. Suddenly the words that coach Alice told him the another day came up to his mind.

"...That person is...Era?". Byron asked curiously. Lisa's eyes widen in surprise, then her expression turns nervous.

"H-how can you know?!...D-don't tell me!! Era has told you that I—". Lisa paused before she could finish her sentence, as if she has just realized what she's said. Byron scowled at once.

"You..what?". He looks at Lisa with an intense gaze. Then he continues saying.
"What did you do to her, Lisa?!". He began to raise his voice, it makes Lisa become pale with fear to tell him the truth.

"...I..I..just....". Before Lisa could finish saying, Byron's friend(Albert) called out.

"Hey Byron! The game is going to start!". Albert shouted as running to Byron's direction. As Lisa got a chance to escape, she quickly turned her heels to walk away. But before that, Byron caught her arm.

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