Chapter 10: A threatening letter

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The next day.

Byron and I walk to school together as yesterday, We did talk very much on our way to school, it was just making me happier to be able to talk with someone I'm in love with....He is the first person that I feel this way though. I can't help but smile all along the way to school.

"I'm going to meet my friends around here somewhere, so see you soon".
Byron says as giving me a bright smile when we arrived to school, then he starts walking to the another side. After he left, I continue walking toward to the classroom.

"Morning Era!". Someone calls out of me from behind, then I turn to see Nita standing with a big smile as waving directly at me and Merry is next to her as usual, they sure are best friend..I wish I had some.

"Good morning!". I greet them back. Then I turn to look at Merry, trying to consider her expression, I wonder if she's still mad at me. But at a moment I look at her, she smiles at me...did she just smile!?...So she didn't mad at me after all, I guess. I may be a little too worried.
At last we end up walking to our classroom together.

"Era, did you know our school will have sports competition soon!". Nita spoke with an exciting look as she turns her face to look at me.

"Sports competition?!". I repeat her words curiously, then she continues speaking.

"Yeah, it happens every year. The competition is between our school with the other".

"Oh! That sound interesting!". I exclaim happily. Then we arrive to the classroom, we then separate to our own seats. Nita's words still remain in my mine, I wonder if I can attend that competition as a tennis player.

In the evening

After a long course of studies, most students were going home, and I'm preparing myself to leave as well. A moment later I walk out from the classroom, and then I walk straight to where my locker is, just to get some stuff before I go to the tennis court. When I arrive to my locker, I use my key to open it, then I see a little folding paper in there.

"Huh? What is this?". I mutter quietly to myself, then I reach to that paper and open it to see a  text is written on there. It says..

< I warn you not to interfere or get any closer to Byron, otherwise I'll persecute you unkindly. >

"..!!". I'm so shock by reading this message, it makes me sink in a daze. Just then someone call out my name from behind.

"Era, you're still here?!". That voice surprised me instantly. By my surprise, the paper that I was holding a whole time slides out from my hand accidentally, and it's blown by a soft wind to drop on the floor in front of that person...What the heck!...When I look up, I see Nita standing there with a puzzled look on her face, then she slowly leans down to pick that paper...Oh no! I can't let her read it.

"Nita, please give me that". I quickly walk toward her to snatch it. But she refuses to give it back, then she gives me a playful smile.

"What's this? A billet-doux?".
As I try to get that paper back, she moves away and begins to read it...A moment later, her expression turns serious at once.
"...What?!". Nita raises her face to look at me immediately, I remain still, don't know what to say. Just then I hear a chatter of a group near me, and Nita is hearing as well.

"Isn't that Era? I heard that she'll do everything to get what she wants, even if to use her body to get it". (One of them says)

"What!!!". I shout loudly as hearing that, then I turn to face them immediately. By seeing their gazes, I can see a loathing in their eyes as looking at me.

"That's terrible! Let's go, I don't want to be near with such a girl". (Another one says)

Then they start to leave. Without thinking I call out after them.
"Wait! That's not true! I'm not that kind of person!".
Even though I try to explain, but they continue walking away. I stand still with a frozen expression, I feel dizzy and fainted.

"Era, you don't need to care about what they say if it isn't a truth". Nita spoke with a calm voice. I turn to look at her, then I see she was looking down at that paper.

"...This handwriting...". Nita murmurs to herself quietly, her hands are tremble a little, then she squeezes that paper tightly.

"Euh...Nita?". Maybe she might know something. Just when I say her name, she raises her face to look at me and says.

"Do you mind if I keep this paper?".

"..Eh..yes...but why?". I asks curiously, then Nita gives me a small smile, her smile was sorrowful somehow.

"Sorry Era, but I have to go now". She waves goodbye at me, then starts walking away, leaving me with a confused thought.

In the tennis court

"Listen everyone!". Coach Alice shouts loudly, then everyone turns their attention to her.
"Our school will have sports competition in the next month, so I want you all to improve your own tennis skill...A week before the competition, you have to compete each other to be chosen for attending this competition, I'll choose four of you who are the best, alright?".

"Yess!!". Everyone says all together with an exciting expression. Then they begin separating to their place for training.
After finish training, I said goodbye to coach Alice and thanked her about today, then left the tennis court.

"Era, there you are!". At a moment I walk out from the tennis court, I see Byron are walking toward me.

"W-Why are you here?!". I say with a surprising countenance, then he smiles at once.

"Why do you ask? We'll go home together, won't we?". As he said so, it reminds me of the message I've gotten recently.

<not to interfere or get any closer to him>

I look down to the floor, and clench my hands as thinking about it...why does it have to happen to me....At last I raise my face to meet his gaze and says.

"Byron, form now on you don't need to wait for me anymore".


Thank for reading everyone~
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Sorry if I have any mistakes.
Please to be continued ^^/...

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