WARNING: Midwife is offensive. Even I'm offended by what she says! But apart from that, this is a really juicy chapter so have fun!
January 27th 2016
It's been exactly two months to the day since me and Maria were orphaned... Crickey a lot happens in two months! Lets see, what's changed? Emmm, oh, Maria turned 6 months old yesterday and... oh yes, I've grown up. A LOT!
My daily routine goes like this:
Anywhere between 3 and 6am = Maria waking up screaming and or crying. Feed her a worm bottle of milk, nappies (So many dirty nappies), and cradle her and just generally loads of talking on my part, hugs and kisses.
7am = Breakfast. Brittany makes it every morning she's here so that's every... Tuesday, Friday and Saturday.
7:30am = Try to get ready. This job is very hard to do when you also have to get a 6 month old ready!
8:30am = Walk to Britt's house to give Maria to her mum (I still don't have a car, You know why!) and then take a ride to school with Brittany.
9:30am to 2pm = School... Way too much school in my opinion.
3-4pm = Walk through the front door to my 'lovely' blood stained house.
6 ish = Dinner!
7pm-1am = Try to get Maria and myself to sleep (This also includes her waking up in the middle of the night.)
And repeat...
It's weird being more responsible. Before my Mama passed I only really looked after myself. Now is very different because not only have I got Maria to look after, but I have a human growing in my womb.
12:36pm, in Brittany's car
"Thanks for coming" I'm so glad that Brittany still loves me.
"Your welcome Santana," She doesn't look so jolly now. She almost looks deep in thought world... This could take us a while to get her, "Santana babe,"
I'm looking at my beautiful blonde now, "Yes Britt Britt?"
"You know how what happened at the party, happened at two parties." Oh gosh, HOW did I forget about that?! "I was wondering, Which one got you, you know, preggola?"
Hmmm...Emmm... I don't know? "Tell you what Britt. Hopefully, we will find out my due date today. Don't speak yet, let me finish. So hopefully we will find out the day I hatched one of my lady eggs and then we will know who daddy is."
Brittany just nods, it must really hurt that it's not hers... "Brittany..." I whisper,
"Yeah San?" She stops at the red light before turning towards me.
"Father in the picture or out. I'll know that you will always be there for me and be the best mum ever!"
10 minutes later, at the maternity ward, tears of happiness drying...
Sitting on nails. That's what it feels like sitting on this seat, just, sitting and waiting and more sitting and then more waiting. Seriously guys, if you told me that it's the new millennium tomorrow I would actually believe you! And that is what it feels like to wait for destiny to take it's course.
A midwife has just come out of the staff room. Mid-age, pimply and... Hum mm, what's the nicest way I can say this... She has to step sideways to fit threw the doors, Literally. And trust me when I say that she looks grumpier then that hag from social services two months ago.
Santana Lopez-Orphan
Hayran KurguSantana Lopez has a hard exterior, but when she's orphaned and left to look after her very young, special needs sister Maria. She has to learn how to be a mother to her sister as well as juggling her school work, New Directions and her girlfriend Br...