Chapter 21

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"I still can't beleive you walked home last night." Grandma said in a disapproving tone. "You could've been killed."

"That was kind of the point." I mumbled.

Grandma sighed and gave her attention back to the road.

"Can we turn on some music Gran?" Marissa asked after a moment of silence.

Without a word, Grandma turned on the radio.

At first, I didn't notice what song was playing, until I heard the lyrics.

"G-Gran, could you turn it up a little bit?" I asked frantically.

She nodded and turned it up.

I was right. It was what I thought it was.

It's been years since anyone, could be a friend.

It's the fear that kills the feeling, in the end.

Can we face it? Can we shape it? Can we really die?

If rain is what you want, all you have to do, is close your eyes.

Just close your eyes.

I am watching resurection start to crawl.

Is there any chance in hell? Any chance at all?

Do we need it? Do we see it? Is it really there?

If rain is what you want, then take your seats. Enjoy the fall.

Enjoy the fall.




FOR MY CITIES, We'll never sleep again.

I began to tear up. I couldn't tell if they were happy tears because they made the song for me, or sad because I'll never see them again.

I also felt angry. Corey decides to make the song once he realises I'm gone for good. Not while I'm still with them.

I cried.

I couldn't stop.

I couldn't tell if they still care or not.

"Raven, are you alright dear?" Gran asked.

I shook my head. "I made this song before I left the guy's place."

Gran nodded, and pulled into the parking lot of the school.

"Have a good day girls." Gran said, giving me a sympathetic smile.

"Thanks." I mumbled, stepping out of the car.

Once we were in the school, I said a quick goodbye to Marissa and went to first period.

During class, I was secretly reading my book, when my math teacher called my name.

I looked up. Hoping she didn't catch me reading again.

But she didn't. She gave me a signal to come over so I did.

"One of your family members are in the office to come pick you up." She said.

I raised an eyebrow. "What wh-why?"

She shook her head. "He said it's important. And he also said for you to hurry."

I was beyond confused. "Wh-"

"Just hurry up and get your stuff. He said you'll be out of school for the rest of the day." She said, interrupting me.

"Okay then." I said walking over to my desk and grabbing my book and math binder.

"Have a good rest of the day." My teacher mumbled as I walked out the classroom door and to my locker.

Once my backpack was packed, I walked calmly towards the office.

Once I was there though, the calmness faded away after I saw who was standing there.


He looked like a wreck.

His eyes were red a puffy from crying and he had bags under his eyes probably from exhaustion. His hair was all out of place, and his outfit was nothing special. And he wasn't smiling. That's one of his favorite things to do is smile.

"Sid?" I asked softly.

Sid just shook his head and grabbed my arm. "C'mon."

Sadly, I followed, not even realising that I haven't talked to him in months, and now he was basically dragging me out of the school.

Once I realised what was going on, I yanked my arm out of his grasp. "What the hell Sid? Why are you taking me out of school right now?" I asked.

Sid looked at me with a blank expression for a split second before grabbing my arm again, walking towards the car.

"Sid wh-"

"I'll tell you in the car!" Sid growled, making me flinch.

Once we were just centimeters away from the car, Sid let go of my arm and opened the front seat and got in after mumbling a quick order for me to get in the back.

Once I was in the back, I found out Sid wasn't the only one in the car.

Jim, Craig, and Joey were in the car also.

No one said anything to me.

Then, everything seemed to fall apart after that.

"Drive faster Sid!" Jim ordered from the front.

"This is as fast as I can go!" He shouted back.

"Corey just texted me saying he's already over there! We need to hurry!" Joey said from beside me.

"Wait, Corey's already where?" I asked. But no one answered.

"Are we almost there?" Craig whispered, and Sid nodded frantically.

"Why did this happen?" Joey whispered.

"I don't know." Jim answered softly.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked. Still, no one answered.

I was starting to get pissed off. Why did Sid wanna pick me up so bad if he was just gonna ignore me?

"Is he okay?" Craig asked.

Joey shook his head. "No." He whimpered. "We were too late."

"Is who okay? And too late for what?" I asked again. And I still got no answer.

"God dammit! Why did he do this?" Sid growled.


Everyone fell silent. But not because I screamed. They stopped talking because they didn't want to say.

"What?" I asked when everyone looked at me sadly.

I looked at Craig. Who had tears in his eyes as he grabbed my hand and gave it a gentle squeez.

"Raven, something really bad has happened." Sid said quietly.

I raised an eyebrow. "Well, what happened?" I asked impatiently.

I noticed Joey shaking his head from beside me. And Jim put his head down.

"It's Paul..." Jim whispered.

"What happened to him? Is he hurt?"

"No." Joey whimpered.

Craig squeezed my hand tighter.

"He...he's dead."

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