Eyes Full Of Peace

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*Third Person POV*

A note.

That's all she could give before she was going to change something. Something that would effect everyone's lives forever.

She read over the note one more time, knowing in her head it was silly to do so because there were only a couple words printed on the crumpled sheet of paper.

Like what she did before the first time she left, she placed the note where everyone would see it.

Except she put it on the center island that was located in the kitchen.

And this time, she wasn't running away from her problems, she was running away from life. Escaping the realm of the living forever, to let peace take over her body.

Raven didn't want to think of it as suicide. She thought of it as...finding peace.

Raven knew this wasn't the answer. She knew she'd make her loved ones depressed by permanently removing herself from the world.

But she didn't care.

She just wanted Craig and Paul.

She wanted Craig to comfort again, making her feel safe and secure and loved. And she wanted to hear Paul's laugh again, that always used to light up the room and everyone that was in it.

In Raven's mentally unstable mind, jumping off the hightest bridge she could find was the best idea ever.

And that was the end of it.

Raven knew there was a bridge near where Paul and Craig were burried.

So after she visited the two, she walked towards the bridge.

On the way, she surprisingly didn't think about what pain she was inflicting on the rest of the guys.

They've already lost two brothers. They definitely don't want to lose anyone else.

But that wasn't one Raven's mind.

All she knew was, she was going to see Paul and Craig real soon.

'Soon.' She thought to herself.


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