Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Harry and I have been best friends since we were five years old. We met at lunchtime on the first day of school. How we met was quite simple, honestly. Quite cute.

“Lunchtime!” the teacher called.

My four year old self went to the cubbies and grabbed my brand new square pink lunchbox. Maybe I should go outside instead of the lunchroom I thought. I don’t have any friends yet and I want friends who like eating outside.

I sat on a tree stump and opened my lunchbox. How boring. A sandwich, an apple and a water bottle. My aunt was simple. I’m simple too but come on. What about something sweet? Maybe a cinnamon roll or a cupcake! That would be yummy.

A few feet away a curly haired boy sat on the ground. His brown curls were so floppy that you could barely see his face. He opened his brown paper bag and pulled out a sandwich. Good, I thought. So I’m not the only one. But then the boy took out a big large sprinkled cookie! I gasped out loud and he turned to look at me with a smile. Then he went back to eating his cookie. I just stared at the cookie. I want it! I thought. It just looked so pretty.

“You know, you can ask.” the boy said, surprising me after a minute.

“Ask what?”

“For some of my cookie.” He replied simply.

“Well it’s yours and that would be mean.”

“Staring can be mean too.” He said grinning.

Well then! This boy was obviously cranky. Let him enjoy his stupid cookie! So I turned my back on him and bit into my oh so boring sandwich. When I went to drink my water I realized the boy had moved and sat down right next to me. He snapped the cookie in half.

He offered me one half and said “Go on.”

“No, thanks.” I said, too proud.

He started laughing.

“What?” I demanded. Why was this messy curly boy laughing at me?!

“You’re trying to pretend you don’t want it but I know you do.” He responded through his laughs.

“You know, I don’t like you laughing at me.”I said as I crossed my arms.

“Sorry, I’ll stop.” But he couldn’t and he just continued.

“Well if you’re gonna keep laughing then I might as well eat the stupid cookie.” I said, taking my half from him.

“Haha, I’m Harry.” He said, extending his little hand towards me.


“Nice to meet you Ellie.”

And with that we were friends. Everyday we’d sit under the tree and he’d split his sprinkled cookie. He was my first friend and I was his. Me with my high brown ponytail and large brown eyes and him with those ridiculous curls and that smirk that followed him everywhere.

Kindergarten, first grade, second grade, and third grade passed and we were still best friends. When fourth grade came around some boys made fun of Harry for always hanging out with a girl. He didn’t really care and told me he’d rather be my friend because “They weren’t his kind of friends.” 

Later that year the same boys grabbed my ponytail to bother me. I told them to leave me alone but they wouldn’t listen. One boy then tried to go for my skirt and Harry saw so he punched him in the face. After that they never bothered us again and I proudly walked with Harry by my side.

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