Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

The next two weeks were slow and the days dragged on. The school days were painful but lunch had become bearable ever since I started sitting with Charlie. She was a sweet girl and apparently had been talking to Niall more and more. Turns out that what Niall had been calling to ask me the other day before the whole Louis-sandwich-pizza thing was her phone number. They seemed to hit it off pretty well.

It was a Friday and we had it off today so Charlie and I were going to hang out later. I poured myself the usual cup of coffee and sat back down on my bed with my laptop on my lap. I had been up for a couple hours last night trying to find tickets to John Mayer, who was coming to my area in a couple of months. Harry and I loved him and I thought it’d be great to surprise him with tickets.

I searched and searched but the ones I found were so ridiculously expensive. Honestly, like who had that money laying around? Well Harry did but this was my treat and Harry was just not normal. But by golly I was going to find tickets at a reasonable price and be a cute best friend.

After an hour I let out a little squeal. A pair of tickets for a good price that I could work with! I had a bit saved up from my job at the amusement park over the summer and from my part-time job at the grocery store. This is was perfect. I quickly phoned my aunt telling her I was going to use the emergency credit card in her room but that I had the money in my hands to pay her back. She agreed hesitantly and I purchased them without thinking another second about it.

Jumping from excitement, I pulled on some clothes, barely remembering to grab my purse, and raced out the door. Luckily, my aunt had carpooled this morning so I could use it today. I put the keys in the ignition and sped away. Surprisingly, I made it the boys’ in one piece being the fact that I was squealing the entire way there.

Louis was out in the front kicking the ball around when the house came into view.

“Ellie! Hey.”

“Can’t talk. Where’s Harry?” I demanded, still jumping in place.

“Okay well then Jumpy, I dunno. He’s probably still asleep.”

Asleep? It was past noon. This sleepy head. I’d push him off the bed if I had to. He had to hear the news!

“Okay thanks Lou!” I yelled.

I jogged to the house and quickly climbed the stairs. Assuming the lazy boy was asleep I burst in his room. But he wasn’t, he was standing in the middle of his room. I startled him and he jumped a little.

“Harry Harry, guess what?!” I screamed as I leaped on him, causing him to fall back on his bed.

He laughed. “What?”

“Guess!” I challenged him like a little girl.

“I don’t know. What is it Ellie?”

“No Harry you have to GUESS.”

“You decided to have a pet kangaroo and he’s coming in the mail next Tuesday?”


“You decided to get breast implants?” he asked with a cheeky smirk.

“No Harry, be serious!” I instructed, slapping him on his chest.

“Good, you don’t need anything like that.”

Sighing, I motioned for him to continue.

“I don’t know, tell me!”


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