Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

I pounded on the door. I needed to talk to him. I needed to talk to him now. I knew I was probably all sweaty and disgusting from running here. My hair was probably sticking to the sides of my face but I couldn’t wait any longer.

Zayn opened the door with a confused look on his face. “What the?...”

“I need to talk to Harry.” I said determined.

“He isn’t here right now. But uh- wait Ellie what the hell happened to your knee?”

I looked down to see blood tricking down from my knee. I had forgotten about that. On my way here I was in such a hurry that I tripped and fell.

“I uh- I fell.”

“Come here, let me see.” He motioned for me to come inside.

We walked into the kitchen and he said ‘I’ll go get the first aid kit.”

About a minute later he came in with a little white box. Without even asking he picked me up and sat me down on the kitchen counter.

“This is gross Ellie.” He said.

I couldn’t help but let out a laugh. Zayn never liked blood or anything gory. Niall and him were a huge pair of babies. But looking down I saw it was kind of ugly. I had a huge scab and my knee was covered in blood.

“I’m sorry. I can do it Zayn.”

“No, let me. Liam would do it.” He said softly while looking through the kit.

“Liam?” I asked startled by his name.

“Someone has to take care of everyone else here.” He murmured.

“Zayn you don’t have to do all that.”

“I want to. Someone needs to step up and it’s going to be me.”

“Zayn…” I started.

“Ellie stop moving, this is gross enough.”

I smiled and sat still. He took a wipe, cleaned my knee and put a bandage on top.

My smile faded when I remembered why I was here. Harry wasn’t talking to me…



“Has Harry said anything to you?” I whispered.

“No, but whatever happened between you guys must’ve been serious because he would’ve told us already.”

“I really messed up Zayn.” I said barely loud enough to hear.

He stopped fidgeting with the bandage and looked at me.

“I seriously doubt that Ellie.” He said calmly.

“No I did, he doesn’t want to talk to me ever again and it’s all my fault.” I said as a tear escaped from my eyes.

“Ellie, you’re his best friend and he loves you. Whatever happened doesn’t even stand a chance against you two. Stay strong, okay?”

I slowly nodded as more tears came down.

“Oh no, don’t cry please. I can’t stand to see you cry.” He said before pulling me into a comforting hug.

“I can’t help it. I can’t lose him too.” I murmured into his jacket.

“No no, no you won’t. You aren’t going to lose him. He’s going to be home soon and then you guys can talk. If not give him some time and if he doesn’t come around then I’ll kick his ass and he’ll be forced to reconsider.”

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