Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

I am so excited. Tonight is the opening night of the boys’ tour and Liam got me tickets. I’ve heard most of their songs but saved a few because I wanted to hear them live for the first time.

 The rest of them don’t know I’m coming so it should be a surprise. Harry had asked if I wanted to go a week ago but I said I already had plans.

I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text to Harry.

“Break a leg tonight, love you. I’m so proud of you H. xx- E”

Looking at the clock, I had an hour to get ready before the driver came to pick me up. I had earlier decided for a dark purple scoop neck with dark jeans. I curled my hair and pulled it back with a skinny black headband.

My phone buzzed and I looked at the screen.

“I wish you could be here. But thank you. I love you too. xx- H.”

Smiling, I put it down. He was going to be so happy when he saw me. Like how could he think that his best friend was going to miss this?

And I was finally going to see Liam sing live. I mean of course I’ve seen him sing before. But not like this and not since we got together. This was going to be a big deal.

As I waited for the driver to come, my phone buzzed again. This time it was from Liam.

“I can’t wait for you to be here. This is going to be amazing.” It read.

I responded, “You’re all amazing, you guys deserve this and more. I’ll be your biggest and loudest fan tonight. xx-E”

He must’ve been on his phone because the text came back in seconds.

“Haha, the girls can get pretty insane. But they’ve got nothing on you. ;)”

A car honked from the outside and I quickly sent a text before grabbing my purse and locking the door behind me “Of course they don’t. ;) See you soon Payne. xx-E.”

When we got to the arena, I was blown away. It was an hour before the concert started but the arena was full. There were girls everywhere. There were band shirts, crop tops, high-waist shorts, flower crowns and toms everywhere. It was very overwhelming.

People knew Liam and I were together so I was a little scared somebody was going to recognize me. I pulled the sunglasses from my purse and slipped them on. I must look ridiculous given the fact that it’s six thirty at night. Oh well.

I had time to kill so I waited in line in the merchandise tent. There were tons of bright tank tops and t-shirts with all sorts of things printed on them. Some read Up All Night and others simply said One Direction. I laughed a little when I saw the “Mrs. Malik. Mrs. Horan, Mrs. Tomlinson, Mrs. Payne, and Mrs. Styles shirts.

So many choices to pick from, I thought. I decided to go with something unexpected so while laughing I purchased the white Mrs. Horan tank top.

Still laughing from my choice I found my seat and waited for the concert to begin. The opening act was good and everyone sang along. But when the lights went down, the arena exploded into uncontrollable screams. You could literally feel the noise bouncing off the walls and the vibration in the air.

I was in the front row and the girl next to me was already in tears. Her phone was in her hand and she was jumping up and down. When the opening notes to Up All Night began, I swear I thought I was going to lose my hearing.

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