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Today 2:56 AM

Josh : hey are you awake?

no : Wren

Josh : very funny

the funniest, really : Wren

why are you awake at 3 am, Dun? : Wren

Josh : why are you awake at 3 am...
insert last name

...anyway : Wren

Josh : I can't sleep :(

why? : Wren

Josh : because

because why? : Wren

Josh : because I can't

because you can't why? : Wren

Josh : omg can we not

... : Wren

why? : Wren


Josh : ok srsly what's ur last name

I don't have a last name...
check ur privilege. : Wren

Josh : It's not fair that you know
mine and I don't know yours!

is that why you can't sleep? : Wren

Josh : yes.

goodnight, Dun. : Wren

Josh : wait no

Josh : bby come back

Josh : wait

Josh : I didn't mean to call you bby

Josh : don't think I'm creepy

Josh : I'm sorry

Josh : I can totally see ur just ignoring my texts

Josh : wow ok

Josh : goodnight

Today 3:32 AM

do you wanna come over or something? : Wren

are you okay? It sounds like
something fell over there : Wren

Josh : I'm fine. I totally didn't just fall out of my bed.

Josh : I'll be over in a sex

Josh : SEC*


Living right next to Wren has its drawbacks, like these paper-thin walls that practically broadcast my every stumble from bed to bathroom.

On the flip side, living next to Wren is, well, something else entirely.

I gave myself a quick once-over in the tiny bathroom mirror, though I couldn't quite fathom why. She knows I just rolled out of bed.

I pulled a comb through my slightly wavy red hair and rushed through brushing my teeth. It's strange, but this girl gets my nerves all tangled up. She's just... different. Being around her feels like a luxury. With hesitation, I made the short journey to Wren's door and softly knocked, my phone vibrating in the pocket of my black hoodie.

you can just come in : Wren

Josh : Don't want me to catch you without pants again?

or you can go back home! : Wren

I couldn't help but grin at her boldness. It's one of my favorite things about her. I gingerly pushed open her door and entered the dimly lit room. Her apartment layout mirrored mine, so finding her bedroom was a breeze. Even though her bedroom door was slightly ajar, I knocked for good measure.

"Come in," she called, her voice low and drowsy from sleep. I wasted no time walking to her bed and sitting at the edge. Wren turned toward me, patting the spot next to her, inviting me to lay down. My breath caught in my throat. Why am I so jittery around her?

"You didn't seriously brush your teeth and bathe in cologne just to come and stare at me all night," she yawned.

"I didn't bathe in cologne. Just put on a little. Because I wanted to," I replied, defending my actions as I lied back on her bed, gazing at the ceiling. I heard her chuckle softly as she looked at me. I glanced back at the girl to my left and couldn't help but smile. The faint moonlight creeping in through her bedroom window highlighted her myriad of freckles, which I was utterly obsessed with, along with her long eyelashes and full lips. She was like a work of art.

"You're always staring at me," she said bluntly.

I quickly returned my gaze to the ceiling, my heart racing a bit.

"I am not," I mumbled.

"You're a terrible liar, Josh Dun," Wren said, rubbing her eyes sleepily.

I opened my mouth to defend myself once more, but I stopped abruptly when I felt her rest her head on my chest. I froze, unsure how to react. Maybe it was just because she was so tired. She probably wouldn't do this under normal circumstances, right? Wren wasn't known for being soft; she was too stubborn.

"Hey?" I whispered.

Suddenly, I noticed her breathing steady, and the softest of snores escaped her nearly imperceptibly parted lips. I left out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. Instinctively, my hand moved to her long hair, my fingers running through it without me even realizing it. It didn't take long before I drifted off to sleep as well.

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