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— Wren —

"-and then Ty gets into this giant hamster ball, and the crowd holds him up as he runs. It's so sick," Josh animatedly described his tour antics.

"That sounds intense," I grinned, focusing on applying the final coat of black nail polish to my fingernails.

"It is. You should come see it in person."

"You know I have to work, J," I sighed, feeling a pang of longing for Josh's presence.

"I know," he sighed as well. "I miss you." His voice took on a softer, more heartfelt tone.

I glanced back at the screen to see him lying on his stomach, arms crossed, and chin resting on his arms. He pouted like a child, and I couldn't resist sticking my tongue out playfully.

"You don't even miss me a little?" he continued to pout, his eyes locked onto mine through the video call.

"It's only been two weeks!"


"Okay, I miss you, too," I admitted, giving him a sad smile. "I'm so lonely now. Jenna hasn't talked to me since the party. That's weird, right?"

Josh shook his head quickly. "Maybe she just misses Tyler. It's probably nothing weird."

"Maybe," I shrugged. "I guess you'd know her better than I would."

Josh chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. Just as he opened his mouth to speak again, there was a loud knock at my door. I groaned as I slowly stood up from my bed and picked up my phone from where it was propped up against a pillow.

"Someone's here, I gotta go."

"Oh," Josh looked disappointed, and I didn't blame him. "I better get to sleep soon anyway. I'll call you tomorrow?"

"Cross your heart?"

"Hope to die," he grinned. "I love you."

I blushed deeply. No matter how many times I'd heard Josh say those words in the past two weeks, I didn't think I could ever get used to it.

"I love you too," I muttered. Josh blew a kiss and flashed me a toothy grin as I rolled my eyes at his antics.

"Goodnight, baby," Josh said before hanging up.

I opened the door at the same time and was shocked to see a giddy-looking blonde in the hallway.

"Jenna!" I squealed, throwing my arms around her so quickly that she almost lost her balance.

"Surprise!" She giggled.

"What are you doing here?!"

"We're going on a road trip," she announced confidently, placing her hands on her hips.

"What? Now? I have to work-" Jenna held her hand up to silence me.

"I already talked to Patrick, and he's giving you a week off."

"You're the best!"

"I know!" We hugged again before Jenna urged me to hurry and pack my things, setting the stage for an unexpected adventure.

undone • josh dunWhere stories live. Discover now