t h i r t y

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— Josh —

"What is that?" Wren scrunched up her nose as I set down my bong in between us. I chuckled softly as I began packing the bowl. We sat on her living room floor, near an open window just in case. An apartment building isn't exactly the safest place to be smoking.

"It's a bong."

"Wait, so how does this work?" She asked again, looking slightly concerned.

"You just hold this to your mouth," I started, placing the bong in her left hand, and my lighter in her right, "and light this bowl, and then breathe it in. Easy."

"Maybe this isn't a good idea."

"But you said–"

"I know, but this just doesn't seem like a very good idea."

"Could you make up your fucking mind? Like, just once?" I rolled my eyes in annoyance at the doe-eyed brunette across from me. "First you can't decide between which guy you want to bang, then you can't decide whether or not you want to be on tour-" I took the bong out of her hands, causing her to look up at me in shock. "What?"


"Are you going to smoke?" She shook her head sheepishly. "Cool. But don't ruin it for me." I muttered before taking a hit. When I finally looked back up Wren's eyes and cheeks were shiny with fresh tears.

"Shit. Shit- Don't- why are you crying? Please don't cry, I-"

Just then Tyler walked through the door without knocking, as usual. He looked scared at first, but that expression quickly melted into anger once his eyes met mine.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He asked through a clenched jaw.

"Tyler?" Wren looked up through teary eyes and Tyler instantly softened at the sight.

"Wren," he breathed. "Why are you crying?"

It was silent as I took another rip from the bong, and I quickly realized it was because they both had their eyes on me. "My bad."

Tyler pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration before asking again, to myself this time, why Wren was crying. I shrugged, just as lost as he was. "She wanted to smoke."

"You're making her do drugs?!"

"I'm not making her do anything!"

"Right," Tyler scoffed, "because I'm so sure she asked to get high with you."

"Fuck off, Tyler. You don't know anyth–"

It took me a second to process that I was just punched in the face. By my "best friend". I suddenly began feeling the pain in my jaw and saw the blood on my fingertips after touching my now busted lip. Wren looked terrified, and Tyler looked as if he didn't realize he had actually just swung at me.

I swung back, my fist connecting with his jaw. Wren shot up and put herself in front of me, hold her arms out as if that would protect me.

"Don't! Please, Tyler, don't–"

Tyler must not have noticed she was standing there.

She fell instantly.

undone • josh dunWhere stories live. Discover now