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— Wren —

"This is my favorite place, you'll love it." Josh cheered as we entered the ice cream parlor. "I'll order; you find a table," he instructed, handing me his keys and phone. I chose a small booth near the window and tried to ignore the fact that Josh's phone hadn't stopped buzzing since he handed it to me.

I had given him a little lecture about texting while driving on our way here, and whoever was texting him seemed persistent. I didn't want to be that nosy partner who checked his phone behind his back, but my curiosity was getting the best of me. My heart sank when I saw that the texts were from a girl named Debby. I reluctantly slid my thumb across the screen to unlock it, but I immediately felt relieved when I realized that Josh didn't have a passcode.

The texts were purely friendly, and that made me feel dumb for even looking. I knew I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions so quickly. If Josh really had something to hide, he wouldn't have willingly given me his phone. I swiftly returned the phone to Josh's side of the table just before he sat down with our ice creams.

"So, you know we're going on tour next month, right?" he began, talking through a mouth full of ice cream like an excited child.

"Yes?" I replied.

"We're going to have a small going away party the night before. And I want you to be there, if that's cool with you..." He gave me those puppy-dog eyes, silently pleading.

"I guess..." I agreed.

"Yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Josh hurried to my side of the table and hugged me tightly, nearly knocking the ice cream out of my hand.

"Stop, you're making a scene!" I whisper-yelled at my goofy boyfriend, though a smile crept onto my face.

"Best. Girlfriend. Ever." He said between kisses. I could feel my cheeks burning from both the affection and the embarrassment.

"Go away!" I giggled, and he complied. Maybe having a boyfriend in a band wouldn't be so bad after all.

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