(4) A Name Holds Power

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It's 9:00 and Nickel already left. She got invited to a party as well but I guarantee she will have more fun than me. Screw her and her face! Ugh I guess we all have to suffer to get what we want it's all about opportunity cost and whatnot. I do pay attention in economics some time; I have to. If I'm going to run a huge organization I need some intellect. Not just my street smarts, which I do have by the way, but we'll have to get to that later.

"Black or black or blue or purple or..." I'm looking through my closet trying to find an "appropriate" dress. I hate these parties, they're not even fun. They just stuff a bunch of rich kids into a fancy room to talk about rich and sophisticated things. BORING! but sometimes exciting. I learn something new about Monster everytime I go.

I close my eyes randomly pick a dress. A light blue one with a purple ribbon around the waist. It sparkles with every slight movement and is strapless. "Sure you'll do today!" I slip on the dress and apply my makeup. The more I put on the more I look older. Which isn't saying much because I have a baby face. The makeup makes me look my actual age. I take a look in the mirror and nod, I look good! My brown hair flowing over my shoulders and my green eyes looking fierce. I smile at my reflection and add lipstick eh make that lip gloss. I like to shine on occasion. "Let's go have a terrible time!"

"Are you on the list?" The bouncer asks.

I'm used to this kind of thing. I'm never on the list...pfft....if I was actually on the list then it wouldn't be my first name.

"Eh that depends on which list your looking at."

"What are you even talking about? The one in my hand darling!" The oversized man eyes the list and then me again.

This guy is so dense but cute. It's rare if the bouncer of these shindigs have looks.

"The paper list or the mental one. My last name is Winters..." I pay close attention to his reaction and see what I usually see when I mention my name. Pure Shock.

"You're a Winters? I didn't even know he had a daughter! I'm sorry .... what was your first name again?" He's clearly flustered which makes me crack a smile.

"That's not the issue here at this particular moment! Will you let me in .... what was your name again?" I use the same line he just used on me.

"William, it's William!" He blushes a little flustered.

"Can I go in Will?" I touch his arm in a comfortable manner.

"Sure go ahead Winters!" His entire face turns a deep red. He must be new when it comes to the whole bouncer thing.

"Thanks, you're a dear!" I blow him a kiss as I walk past.

Haha men! I'm so cunning when I choose to be. Valley Hills is the toughest place to get into, and I'm not just talking about this particular mansion. There is a gate surrounding everyone who lives here. You have to go through security so many times; its ridiculous! It's like they're trying to keep the "peasents" out...so that means me.

This mansion is just like all the rest I've been to. Way too big and way too glamorous! I hate people like this! They just fill up their empty houses with all the finer things in life hoping to somehow be happy. It doesn't work, so they buy more and more and guess what? Even more! Too bad their money can't buy them a heart...guess you can't have both...

I'm taken to the main room where all the sophistication is. Honestly this is where the "boring" people "party" there is always another room where things get crazy. The main room is all lit up and tables of food are everywhere (which is the highlight). There is also champagne and a lot of people just talking. No dancing, just talking.

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