(29) Police!!!!

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I grip the stearing wheel and take a deep breath. This is what I've been planning for....okay I won't lie I just came up with this crazy idea an hour ago. So I'm thinking I need the help of others to take down Monster, and who else but the police? Not that there's not dirty cops, there are, but I plan on making a few of my own. I release the breath I was holding and slam down on the acceleration. I zoom right past a cop who immediately starts coming after me


I pull to the side of the road and try to contain my smile. A young black haired guy steps out of the police car. He has serious green eyes and a small build. I roll down my window and all I can see in his eyes are disbelief and dissatisfaction.

"Miss do you know how fast you were going?"

"Before or after I saw you?" I bite my lip trying to contain my smile.

"Haha like I've never heard that one before." He rolls his eyes.

Well you're no fun!

"Seriously do you know why I pulled you over?"

"Because my car smells like a donut?"

"Are you kidding me!?!"

I look over to my passenger seat and the cop follows my gaze. In the seat next to me is a box of delicious looking donuts.

"You're real cute you know that." He scoffs and flips through his notepad. He looked maybe a couple years older than me. I didn't know, I have always been bad with guessing ages.

"Thanks." I flash him my best innocent smile. "But you shouldn't hit on someone younger than you. I could get you into trouble."

"Trust me I'm not hitting on you." He says in a serious tone. Why is he like that? I'm being funny!

"But you want to."

"I'm going to give you a ticket."

"NO!" I gasp trying my best to look frightened. "I can't get a ticket my dad would kill me!"

"Who's your dad." Cute cop looked uninterested like he's heard this line a million times.

"Nathaniel Winters." I say casually. I swear this kid looked like he shit himself. He dropped his notepad and gave me a deer in the headlights look.

"You're his daughter?"

"Unfortunately." I sigh and twirl my hair. "People forget he has a daughter....not that I'm complaining."

"Nathaniel Winters?"

"Yes honey keep up."

Shoot did I pick a cop that actually is a fan of Monsters!?!? I suck!

"That bastard has another kid!"

Oh I like this guy!

"Well if it counts he wishes I didn't exist. He actually wants me dead." I say cheerfully. "But I guess we all have daddy issues."

"You don't like him?"

"Well when he hires people to kidnap and stab you it kind of severs a bond. Don't look at me like I'm crazy Cute Cop, we actually never had a good relationship."

"He really did that?" He stares in disbelief.

"That and more. I assumed you had an idea of how corrupted he was but I guess I was wrong. You see Cute Cop-"

"My name's Arthur."

"Ewh we're going to have to fix that. But anyways, I want to take Monster, Nathaniel, down and want your help. Unless you're associated with him then forget this conversation."

"Why don't you just go to the police? Why me?"

"Um, well, you see, Monster has people in many places, the police department is no different. If I went there I'd be dead in a couple hours but if I take a rookie like yourself and aquire your help I get more leverage and you'll get credit for helping take him down."

"I can't do anything that is against the law."

"That's where I come in."

After my conversation with Softserve (cute cop), I named him that because he's just like soft serve ice cream. He looks cold and has a rough exterior but once you scoop him he turns to mush. You know what I mean? Well anyways after I talked with softserve, I physically made a list of all the things I had to do.

1.) Visit Nike
2.) Ask Axel for help
3.) Go to my house and see what's going on.
4.) Take down Monster.
5.) Plan Vicky's wedding.
6.) Help Twinkie and Hedge make up.
7.) Get more donuts because Softserve flipping ate over half of them!

"I have a bunch to do!" I gap at the list and then doddle a couple of hearts with knives in them. "Awh."

So I drive to my house and go inside. It doesn't look like someone has messed with anything. I quickly pack a few necessary necessities. (Pop tarts, chocolate bars, cookies, a few bras, more cookies and some of my comfy shorts) I was just about to head out when I hear footsteps. I immediately crouch to the floor and behind the counter in the kitchen. I grab a butcher knife and hold my breath. The thud of footsteps gets closer and my hand holding the knife starts to sweat.

"She's got to be here. That car wasn't here the other day." A refreshingly young voice startles my heart.

"Maybe she's out with some friends?"

"Zane promised me that he talked to her. He said that she agreed to see me so why hasn't she come?"

"I don't know."

I knew him! I knew who that voice belonged to. I was tempted to stand up and reveal myself but was also scared to finally meet the boy who broke my heart so many years ago.

I grip the knife harder. I have half the mind to throw it at him anyways. I stand up and stare face to face with a man I never wanted to see again.

"Hello Nike." And what did I do after I saw his face? I threw the knife at him missing him on purpose but he didn't have to know that.

"Trinity!" He gasps but I think he's more worried about the knife than seeing me after so long.

"The one and only."

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