(38) I think I've been shot!

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"Trinity!!!" I hear what seems like thousands of voices shouting my name. Everything hurts. I try to pick my head up from the concrete but all my strength has left me. I open my eyes though, and what I saw was like a fight scene out of a movie.

It felt like everything was silent and in slow motion. All my members were throwing down their victims violently and running towards me. I'm ashamed to say I feel really happy that they care so much about me. I feel Danny poking at me trying to make me get up. I bet he feels responsible for my condition. He should because it's completely his fault! He should have never been here.

My sleeve is drenched with blood which pulls me out of my silent senerio. My arm feels like it's being torn apart! I've heard that when you get shot that the mental shock hurts the most; that is a lie. Sure I'm shocked that I've actually been shot but that isn't what's causing my arm to hurt it's the bullet. Duh. Well, at least it's only a flesh wound.

"Ahhh!" I scream out. Danny positions my head in his lap. He's crying and his tears fall onto my cheeks.

Pierce, AJ, Zane, Killer and even Viper are all huddled around me. They're all muttering the same things which makes every sound topple into nothing.

"Rin, are you okay!?!?"

"Valentine is on her way with the van."

"There's so much blood!"

Pierce turns away from me and takes hold of the man who shot me.

"WE SAID NO WEAPONS!" He pushes the man backwards and starts delivering quick and precise punches. The guy drops to the ground in a few minutes; not moving.

The van squeels up and Twinkie pops out. She has a first aid kit in her hand.

"Honey, that's not going to help this situation." I pant. Danny pets my head. Twinkie almost gags once she sees my arm and Grey throws up seeing it more closely. Twinkie quickly wraps my arm up in attempt to stop the blood.

"Everyone in the van!" Pierce orders. "Viper bring your gang to our hideout whenever you're ready."

"We're leaving, somebody get Axel!" Zane yells. I now notice that Axel hasn't been very involved in this fight. He has a few men surrounding him on the other side of the square. Two guys are holding his arms so he's not able to move and another is getting ready to punch him. Or more like, he's acting like he's going to punch him.

"Nobody move!" I shout when AJ and Killer start going over to him.

"But Rin, we have to help him! We can't just leave him here." Killer argues.

"Yes we can." I swallow. Everything makes sense now. It only took getting shot to put all the pieces together. With my head pounding and overloading only Axel comes to mind and the mystery behind him is so clear. "He's been on Monster's team along with his brother." I try to stand up but stagger back onto Danny.

"Who's his brother?" Everyone is shocked by this news and don't believe me. They think the blood loss has gotten to my head.

"Tanner of course." I clutch my arm.

Pierce picks me up. I can feel him shaking with anger. AJ shakes his head not wanting to comprehend what I just revealed. Killer clutches her fists as does Twinkie. We all liked Axel. We let him into our home and our hearts and turns out he didn't deserve any of it.

"You figured us out." Tanner doubles over laughing. "Looks like your cover's blown bro!"

"Trinity, it isn't like that!" Axel shouts but I'm in no mood or condition to hear his excuses. I'm hurt, in more ways than one. "Please, Trinity listen to me I-" Tanner's friend punches Axel in the gut before he can finish.

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