Lightweight : Chapter One

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I was brutally awaken to the annoying ring coming from my alarm. I groaned and sauntered over the desk. I grabbed it and banged it against the table until the ringing had stopped. It was 7:30 and I only had 30 minutes to get ready for school.

I walked into to the bathroom and over to the sink like a dead body. I leaned over and began to wash my face. I got the towel off the rack, my head still hanging over the sink and wiped my face. I got up and looked in the mirror. I tried to crack a smile, but I failed, miserably.

I began to strip off my clothes and got into the shower. Today was another one of those days. Another day that was going to be hard to get through. I was nauseated and so tired, I wanted to go back into bed and snuggle in my comfortor. It would be great if I could just sleep forever. That would be amazing. If I could, I would.

"Hey honey!" My mom said from the kitchen as I made my way downstairs. The smell of freshly made pancakes washed all over the kitchen. I sat across from my dad and brother at the island. Mornings were always like this. It was the typical family breakfast. Happy mother at the stove making breakfast, the hard working goal acheiving father ready to get to work and the straight A son that never dissapointed. I just didn't fit in the picture. I was too abnormal. I could never fit in this scenery. Even if you didn't know us and just happened to walk into the kitchen, your eyes would automatically avert to me. I was like a big black hole sitting at that table, sucking in the life and happiness that shined from each member of the family. My stomach began to hurt at the thought of that.

" Hey," I mumbled. I slumped in my seat.

"What's wrong with you?" My brother asked. My brother was a few years older than me. He was in his last year of highschool and was ready to go to UCLA on a full scholarship. Woopdy do.

"Just exhausted," I murmured.

"Are you eating? " My mom asked me, her back was facing me.

I exhaled through my nose.

When I didn't come up with an answer in time, she turned. "Sydney, are you eating ? " This time she demanded it.

"No," I mumbled. The room had gotten akwardly silent. I knew in the pit of my gut that this time, she wasn't going to let this go.

"Sydney ? " She had a worried look on her face. Here we go again with the dumb talks about how I should eat.

"Sydney, are you, starving yourself ?" She knew the question had offended me and I had seen in her facial expression that she wanted to take it back .

I scolded her. "What are you talking about !?" I said defensivly.

"Now Sydney, don't start disrespecting your mother," My dad pointed.

My dad was always trying to be Switzerland when my mom and I went at it.

"It's okay Eddy, I should've never disrespected her, I'm - "

I cut her off before she could finish her apology. "Yeah, you should've never did that," I grabbed my bag and stormed out of the door, regreting the words that had came out of my mouth 2 seconds ago.

I sat on the stairs in front of the house. I was picking up the rocks from the ground and throwing them over into the grass. My mom knew that I didn't eat much but everytime she confronted me about it, I always found a way to make her feel bad about it or I kind of just pushed past it. I'm always running away.

Behind me I heard the door slam "C'mon." My dad said walking passed me. I got up off the porch and followed behind him into the car.

It was akwardly silent in the car. It was always awkward when my dad drove me to school, but this time it was way more awkward because of what happened with my mom and I.

Then my dad broke the silence "Sydney, you know your mom just worries about you and wants the best for you, right? " Every parent 'worries' about their children and 'wants the best for them'. That whole thing was getting a little cliché.

I just nodded and waited for him to finish prosecuting me. Honestly I wasn't really in the mood to have another one of these stupid talks about my mom and I. I was actually feeling pretty sick to say the least.

"Why don't you eat? " He asked, not trying to hide the curiousity.

I shrugged. "I just don't like the food in the house, thats all," He knew there was something fishy about it but he didn't pick at it. Thats one thing I liked about my dad, he never poked at you. He trusted you enough to tell the truth.

"Alright, well, please just make sure if you're making the right decisions for yourself," He smirked.

I nodded and smiled as he parked his car at the curb of my school.

"Thanks Dad," I got out the car and headed inside.

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