Lightweight : Chapter Fourteen

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                       Jasper pulled up to a little tiny house at the end of the road. It was tan and was one floor. It also had this big see through window at the top. It was cool and very modest. Like him.

We got out of the car in into the house.

"So, this is your house?" I asked.

"Yep, all mine," He threw the keys on the table and laid his jacket on the couch.

He walked over to the fridge and pulled out a beer "Beer?" He asked. I shook my head no and he walked back over to the living room and jumped on the couch. I bit my lip nervously and sat down on the couch too.

I was kind of itching to ask him where his parent where, but there was no way to ask that question without being a complete and utter jerk, especially if something bad happened to their parents.. "So, where’re your parents?" I asked. Very subtle, Syd.

He took a sip from the beer bottle and looked at me. "They died in a car accident three months ago,” He shrugged.

"Oh, I’m sorry," I said apologetic. Just nice Sydney.

"It's alright," He laughed softly. "I'm just living here for the time being. Soon they're gonna kick me out of here. I owe three months’ rent but I’m broke," He chuckled. I knew he was only laughing to cover up the fact that he may be very worried that he might be homeless after this. Or maybe he was actually very weird and enjoyed getting eviction letters in the mail.

I felt kind of sorry for him. He needs to really go back to school, or at least find a job, so that he could be able to keep the house. But look at me, trying to solve someone else’s problems, while my mind is detonating with every breathe I take.

After a few moments of utter silence between us both, Jasper got up and moved the coffee table to the side.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm sleeping out here, you can sleep in my room," He picked up the comforter and spread it out on the floor. Then took a sheet and just threw it on top and laid down.

"Nope, I’ll just sleep out here with you," I grinned. I wasn’t thinking about any funny business. I felt like we would be bonding more. And I just didn’t feel like being by myself anymore.

Jasper took off his jeans and did the starfish on top of the sheets. I laughed.

I went behind the couch and changed into pajama shorts and a tank top. I got up, turned out the light and laid down next to Jasper.

"What's your favorite number?" He asked. He turned in the cover facing the ceiling. I did the same.

"Random question,” I smiled to the ceiling. “10,"

He chuckled, "Why?" He looked at me.

I sighed. “Because—“ I hesitated. Then I continued. "That age, I could say, was the best age of my life," He looked me in the eyes. His eyes were a dark chestnut color, but they looked lighter because of the light from the moon beaming down on his face. His eyes looked as creamy as honey, and as just as soft. I adjusted myself to completely face him and continued. "I was truly happy. Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt,” I looked down. "That was the age I moved here, and met Scott," I mumbled. My mood had shifted but looking back up at Jasper kept a smile on my face. "The age I had my first kiss, my first bike," I hesitated again. Muffled, I said "The age my grandfather died,"

"So…..You were happy your grandfather died?" He asked with a playful smirk on his face, trying to lighten up the mood.

"Noooo," I laughed taking out my hand from under the covers and hitting him on the chest. He chuckled. "His death taught me some things and gave me a whole new perspective on life and how I wanted to live. I was sad, but that made me a better person in life. My grandfather was courageous; awesomest man on the planet. When he died….I wanted to just go with him, you know? But then, I started to think about how he wouldn’t want that and he'd want the best for me. That’s one of my major weaknesses. Not being strong enough," And it was true. I always tend to think that I need people. And once that person left, I didn’t know how I would live, but sooner or later it'll get better. I never really learned though. I still do it,” I felt my tears building up in my eyes.

Jasper pushed my hair behind my ear. I felt this unusual tingle down my back. "I can say you're like your grandfather," Our eyes met again.

“You’re just saying that. I’m not even close," I mumbled.

Jasper hand trailed from my ear to the bottom on my chin. "Sydney, you don't know it but you're mind-blowing. And I’m not just saying that," He smirked. I began to lean in and Jasper followed after. But then Scott popped up in my mind. I ended up kissing Jasper on the forehead and turning around quickly. I didn’t say anything after that. It was just too soon. Even though I hated Scott, I still loved him and I was sort of waiting on him, as foolish as that sounded. I was fool. Definitely a fool.

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