Lightweight : Chapter Fifteen

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                     I flicked open my eyes to see Jasper in front of me, softly snoring. I smiled at how adorable he was. His lips were parted a little and you could hear the little breathes of air coming out from his mouth. I think he was the only guy I’ve ever seen who was asleep and still looked attractive.

I got up, grabbed the phone and went into the bathroom. I sat down on top of the toilet seat and punched Scott’s number into the phone.

The phone rang about 3 times then he picked up.

"Hello?" He said.

I beamed. "Hey Scott," Hearing his voice made me so happy. It was scary how excited I got just by the sound of his voice.

"Hey Sydney," He replied exhausted.

"What’s wrong?" I asked. I've never heard Scott sound so miserable.

"Oh, nothing. This packing stuff has just got me pooped, what about you?"

I sighed. “I wish you were still here,” I mumbled. "I just slept over at Jasper's house 'cause my mom and I got into an argument about how—“

Scott interrupted me. And in a furious tone, he said. "Jasper!? What are you doing at Jasper's house!?"

I rolled my eyes. "'Cause my mom and I had gotten into an argument. I had no one to turn to! You’re not here, Frenzy hates me and I’m just not comfortable talking to anybody else. He was the last resort," I replied.

The other line was dead silent; I almost thought he’d hung up the phone.

“Scott?” I threw my head into my hand. "Scott, if you're thinking something happened, nothing happened,"

"I don't think I can believe that," He replied briskly. "I don't know what you're capable of," He mumbled.

"Scott, what the hell? You should know me better than that! I would never!" I yelled, a tear strolling down my face. I thought Scott actually trusted me enough to know I’d never betray his trust like that. I don’t even understand what’s going on through his mid right now, for him to think that I was that kind of person.

“Scott, nothing happened,” The ball in my throat caused my voice to crack.

He stood silent.

“Scott?” I repeated.

"I'll call you later," He said. And by the time I could tell him anything else he hung up. I didn’t get it.

My stomach began to churn and my hands got clammy.

I got up from the toilet and opened the door. When I walked into the living room, Jasper was wide awake, sitting up and having a smoke. I sat next to him and put my knees to my chest.

"What happened?" His eyes glued to the T.V. It almost looked like he was asking the T.V that question.

"I called Scott," I muttered.

Jasper inhaled some smoke then exhaled. "Uh oh," He chuckled.

I giggled. "He's kind of upset 'cause I slept over at your house." I rolled my eyes.

"He'll get over it, eventually. I hope, for your sake," We both laughed as Jasper turned on the channel to Cartoon Network.

After watching morning cartoons Jasper and I got dressed so he could take me home. I'm sure my mom was worried sick about me and was probably running mad around town.

We walked out of the house, over to the car and got inside. Jasper purred the car to life and he drove me home.

Jasper parked in front of my house and turned the car off. I turned to him. "Thanks kid," I kissed him on the cheek and got out of the car.

I walked up to the doorstep, got out my keys and walked into my house. When I got in I saw my aunt and uncle sitting on the couch. My mom was near the stairs with her arms folded while my dad was sitting next to my aunt and uncle. I stood there awkwardly and looked at them. I wondered what this was going to be about. I'm 140% sure it wasn’t going to be good.

"Hey...?" I said with a confused look on my face.

"I’m so glad you decided to come back home," My mom walked over to me and hugged me.

I cringed. “It was because a car didn’t hit me,” I whispered low enough so she didn’t hear.

"Sydney, please have a seat," My dad got up so I could sit. I walked over to the seat and sat down I looked at my relatives and smiled. What the hell was going on?

"Your aunt and your uncle are here from Utah and they're here to come get something," My dad said nervously.

I scratched my head, still confused.

"Sydney, they're here to take you to Utah with them," My mom smiled warmly. I got up as my body filled with infuriation.

"What!!?" I hollered. "You can’t do that!!"

"Your mom and I agreed that you'd be better off there for a little while. And yes, we can do that," My dad said stern.

I abruptly zoomed upstairs and into my room. I locked the door behind me and when I turned, I turned to an empty room. My posters were taken down, my drawers were gone, and my closet was empty. They were in my room. They touched my things. They packed up all my stuff. They were getting rid of me. This wasn’t temporary. I’m sure they’d be better off without me and they agreed that they would.

I put my back against my door and slid down to the ground. I put my knees up to my chest and placed my head on my knees. Trying to grasp what was really happening.

I wasn’t going. I refused to go.

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