Lightweight : Chapter Sixteen

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"Sydney, stop being childish and come outside," My dad knocked.

I sobbed. "No, go away!" I yelled.

"Sydney, we just want the best for you," My dad said impatiently. I didn't say anything after that. I was livid. My dad's family lived all the way in Utah. I couldn't live there and start a new life with people I don't even like.

After a few hours, I was layed out on the floor in fetal position, just thinking. I was biting my nails and unknowingly I bit them off to the core and I started to bleed. I was so nervous and so scared. I didn't get it. After a few brutal months of torture, this is what I get repaid with?

I was then startled by a knock on the door.

"Sydney, have you calmed down? Are you ready to come out?" My mom's voice soft. "Please Sydney," She pleaded. "We just want the best for you. The move won't even be for long,"

I got up from the floor and looked at the time. Now that I was calm, I was actually thinking rationally. And I was thinking that this was maybe for the best.

I put my hand on the doorknob and turned it. I opened the door an came out to my mom's cherry red cheeks and comforting smile.

"I'll go if I get to say goodbye to my friend," I sniffed. My eyes were puffy and heavy and my eyelashes were soggy.

"Sure you can," She smiled warmly placing her hand on my face. I slipped out from her touch and looked at her with disappointment. Just because I came out and decided to go, didn't mean I still wasn't upset with her.

I walked downstairs to my still waiting aunt and uncle.

"Sorry guys, for the wait," I said coming into the livingroom.

My uncle stood up. "I understand," He smiled. I didn't return one.

"I'm going to go see my friend first," I demanded.

"Of course," My aunt got up and grinned.

"Alright guys, lets go! Times-a-wasting , " My uncle rubbed his hands together and walked over to my dad. They shook hands and nodded like I was some type of, thing, my dad just sold away. I rolled my eyes, picked up my suitcases and walked out the door without a word. I didn't even bother to say goodbye to my parents and brother.

I walked to the trunk of their car and shoved my suitcases in. My uncle then walked out of our house with my aunt and they got into the front of the car. I slammed the trunk closed and got into the backseat.

"So who you going to?" My uncle asked.

"My friend Jasper." I mumbled. "He lives on Helton street, a few blocks from here,"

"Alright then, let's get there." My uncle started the car and drove off.

We stopped on Helton street.

"What house?" My uncle asked looking into the rearview mirror.

"I'll just walk from here," I mumbled. I got out of the car and walked down the street to Jasper's.

I knocked and the door opened and a tired Jasper stepped out. Jasper's had no shirt on and his hair was a mess. But it was a cute mess.

"Coming to sleep over again," He smirked.

"No," I looked down to my feet. Jasper paused for a moment. He knew something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" He asked. I looked up trying to hold back my tears.

"I'm moving," I shrugged. I began to look around so that Jasper wouldn't see my eyes glistening. If I looked into his eyes, I know I'd cry. "My parents are a total downgrade, I hate them,"

He smiled. "You don't hate them," He pushed a string of my hair behind my ear. "You wish they where gone but when you actually don't have them, you begin to wish they were here. It's probably the best thing Syd,"

I began to realize where he was coming from. Jasper and I were then startled by a horn. I turned and saw my aunt and uncles car.

I turned back to Jasper. "Well that's it, I guess," I bit my lip looking down. I looked back up at him and he hugged me really tight. His arms were probably the safest place I could be. They were worm and comforting. Wrapping around my body like a winter sweater. I didn't want to leave this behind.

Tears fell from my eyes. We finally let go and Jasper looked me in the eyes. I wiped them quickly.

He smiled. "See you later kiddo,"

I kissed Jasper on the cheeck and with that, I walked away from his doorstep. Walking away I began to realize how much I actually liked Jasper. He was beautiful, funny, smart, he was the perfect guy every girl wants. I also learned a lot from him in the little moments we've spent with each other. He was my best friend.

I turned one last time as Jasper swallowed and smirked. I waved one last time and got into the car.

Goodbye Michigan, Hello Utah.

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