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Chapter 3:

That night Lexi spent almost the entire night searching for Caleb on the internet and was horrified when she found out what kind of a man he really was.

Four people. Caleb Castillo has murdered four females. Four innocent females.

He was, or rather he still is, a sadistic murderer who experiences sick and twisted pleasure of torturing his defenceless victims until they're on the brink of death before finishing them off by way of strangulation with his bare hands.

His methods of torture were no picnic either. From blood draining, to the infliction of 3rd degree burns as well as suffocation.

Lexi couldn't breathe. There mere thought that she had been in the same room as this man, who was a brutal murderer without knowing, suffocated her. There's a twisted joke there and had she been even a fraction of a psychopath as Caleb, she'd have voiced it at least.

Caleb certainly didn't look violent when Lexi had met him. Hell, he didn't even look like a psychopath. Sure, he was a little brooding and had hard set eyes that looked a little...angry. But he didn't look violent.

In fact, if she hadn't googled him to find all these horrifying autopsy photos, she never would've believed some handwritten file about him being a serial murderer.

Lexi knew there must've been something wrong with him to have been admitted to a sanatorium. But this? This was beyond wrong. This was absolutely goddamm disgusting on a whole other level.

She was genuinely scared when various internet links proved just how messed up Caleb Castillo was. But she physically couldn't bring herself to refrain from looking at the computer screen. It was as if her eyes were stuck there.

First victim: Veronica Miles. 25. Female. British. Light skinned and dark haired. Height and weight. 5ft3 and 8stones. Death caused by 3rd degree burns and strangulation.

Second victim: Tori Saunders. 24. Female. British. Light skinned and dark haired. 5ft5 and 9stones. Death caused by dislocation of limb and strangulation.

Third victim: Alexandria Manelli. 26. British-Italian. Tan skin and dark haired. 5ft1 and 7 stones. Death caused by several fractured bones and strangulation.

Fourth victim: Jessica Byron. 27. British. Light skin and dark haired. 5ft4 7 1/2 stones. Death caused by several stab wounds and strangulation.

Lexi couldn't believe it. She forced herself to tear her eyes from the computer screen but only succeeded for a second when they glued back onto the shocking sight.

She thinks to herself that this couldn't possibly be true. She begs for it not to be true. How could someone do this? How could anyone do this? She had went and seen this man for herself. He seemed harmless. He didn't seem like he was capable of such unspeakable, unthinkable things. He wasn't even capable of speaking for gods sake.

Lexi googles his victims too. It's too hard not to when there's no explanation for any of the deaths. Each girl she searches comes up with a few British newspaper articles about them and as she gets to the last few articles about his latest victims, the articles seem to conclude that the killings were random but Lexi begs to differ.

It was uncanny how alike the victims looked.

Lexi prints pictures of all four of them and lays out in front her the order they were killed.

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