E i g h t e e n

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Chapter 18:

By the time it had been 2 weeks of not seeing Caleb, being pathetically stuck in her dorm room and receiving about a hundred angry emails from Professor Collins as to why her portfolio hasn't been updated, Lexi had had enough.

She didn't know what it was, but she had this pounding feeling inside of her chest, like her heart was about to fall out or something. And had been happening ever since she left Caleb on bad terms. She knew that he was in Riverfield being tortured almost until the brink of death.

But she was completely torn to do a single thing about it. Partly because no one would believe her. But mainly because she wondered if Caleb had sort of derserved this. Like this was his punishment or karma for doing what he has done in his life. It was easier to hate him after they left on bad terms so she desperately tried avert her mind onto anything but Caleb. But even that was harder than it sounds.

She thought about him every second of every day and it didn't make herself feel any better.

She was going to stop sulking in her room and stop missing valuable classes. She was going to go to Riverfield and find out exactly what was going on.

She just had to see him again.

Which is exactly why she was sitting in the passenger seat of Re's car, Re in the drivers seat, in the parking lot of Riverfield with an anxious look on her usually happy face.

"Lexi?" Re questions, breaking Lexi out of her slight trance, staring at the big building in front of her.

Re was confused. She knew that Lexi had been acting unusual lately, there was no doubt about that. But she didn't know why, because Lexi refused to open up those feelings again. It was bad enough going through it with Scott.

It's not that she didn't trust Re or that she didn't deserve to know. But telling her about Caleb would just force Lexi to live through that conversation again, and honestly, she didn't think she could do it without bawling her eyes out like a baby.

Re questioned her many times throughout the weeks, whether or not she was okay. And she was, when she wasn't thinking about him. Which was rarely.

She just felt bad for not telling Re but had begged Scott not to tell Re a thing. Strangely enough, he complied.

Lexi snaps out of her trance and faces Re. "Huh?"

Re frowns, and she doesn't do that often. "Seriously Lex, I'm worried about you. What's going on?"

Lexi sighs looking down at her lap, contemplating whether telling Re was a good idea. She works at Riverfield too, she if she was in any form of danger, Lexi would have to tell her everything. But so far...even Lexi herself doesn't know what's going on here. And the more people that know, the more dangerous it could get.

Lexi forces a smile on her face and looks back up at Re. "It's nothing. I'm fine."

She was doing Re a favour. Knowing things would just burden her. And she was too good of a friend to scare if all Caleb was saying was false. And knowing Re, she'd start up unnecessary drama and attention getting police involved. And that certainly would help Lexi find out the full story of what's going on. It wouldn't help Caleb's situation either.

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