Q & A

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A L E X A:

A L E X A:

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1. What are your exact feelings toward Caleb?

It's complicated. I cant say what i feel for him exactly, its hard to pinpoint. He's obviously very physically attractive. But he was mentally beautiful too. He was like a walking contradiction. All hard and rough on the outside was soft and warm on the inside. all those things he told me about his past, it really opened up feelings for him inside me. But now..now i feel disgust and resentment towards him.

It all started with Fear, then hate, then like then... The point is, at the moment, i hate him with all my being. He's a murderer and if what Marcus said is true... I could never forgive him for that.

2. How do you feel now that you found out Caleb killed your parents and what will you do once or if you make it out alive?

I feel physically sick. Its sickening to think that someone you developed feelings for is responsible for your parents death. And as for making it alive, i did. Now i'm going to stay as far away from Caleb Castillo and Marcus as possible.

3. Did you ever imagine your life like this just from an assignment? Do you regret anything?

If I'm being honest, no. I thought studying psychology would be interesting of course. But i never imagined it would bring this much destruction into my world. I regret ever taking the assignment. After all, i only did it to find out why whoever killed my parents did what they did. Now i know and I'm not completely sure i could ever be sane again myself.

4. Have you ever thought about having a life with Caleb before you found out what he did to your parents?

I wouldn't say I've thought about "having a life" with him but I've certainly thought about what could've happened between the two of us after i got through to him. That was the whole reason i stuck to the assignment with Caleb. I genuinely wanted to get to know him better and maybe help him find himself, his real self, along the way. It seems that couldn't be further from what i want now...

5. Will your feelings remain the same as before after learning that Caleb killed your parents?

Absolutely not. I could never forgive someone for that. It didn't happen very long ago and the "who did it" game was never solved by the police. Its all still fresh wounds and even if it happened decades ago, i never could forgive someone for taking away the two most important people in my life away from me, not matter how clinically messed up they are.

6. Why are you dumb at times?

*frowns* Im not stupid? *looks to Scott* am i? *Scott nods*

Thank you for your question. Many people have questioned my inability to use my brain in difficult situations. Maybe its because the only bad situation I've ever been in before all this happened is my parents death. It hit me hard and when i found them bleeding on the floor of our house after school, i panicked and even then i didn't know what to do. I was too paralysed to call the police, and screamed to the top of my lungs then. My neighbour heard and called them for me. Maybe if i had called the police sooner, they would've caught the killer sooner.

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