T w e n t y N i n e

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Chapter 29:

10 hours earlier:

Once Lexi is out of Caleb's sight, she takes a moment to herself, hidden in the mass of trees before her. She leans against one of them and thinks her plan over.

She's going to sneak in and if Marcus isn't there, she'll look for the phone, grab it quickly and sneak back out.

If Marcus does happen to be in there, she has no choice but to shoot him. She'd do it on his leg so that she doesn't end up taking his life- as much as she would like to do that and as much as she hated him, she couldn't throw away her entire future for someone like him.

Then she could call an ambulance for Caleb and Re and finally she could call the police so that they can lock that son of bitch Marcus up.

She walks up a little further, cautious of the clearing she could just about see up ahead, in case Marcus had been around somewhere.

Lexi clutches her small muddy fingers around the heavy gun handle and keeps her eyes wondering frantically around the area as she begins to see the outside of the cabin they were trapped in merely a few hours ago.

They didn't get a chance to see it earlier because they were too busy trying to escape, but Lexi notices that it's completely worn down even on the outside.

She approaches the door of the cabin with caution, gun ready in her hand to shoot if necessary and starts to wonder when exactly her life became a freaking horror movie.

When she met Caleb. Definitely when she met Caleb.

Lexi sighs a little when she puts her ear against the battered wooden door, the silence coming from within the barn evidently showing no signs of Riverfield. Marcus.

With shaking hands, she clasps her hand around the metal handle of the door and tewists it open ever so slightly, trying not to think about what could happen if she gets caught. It creaks only a little when she first opens it but begins to get louder as she continues, wincing at the noise.

Was it this loud when they left?

Upon entering their personal torture chamber, Lexi actually frowns when she finds it to be empty. Lexi was half expecting Riverfield and the rest of his evil doctor gang from the sanatorium to be standing there with machetes, shotguns and maybe even electro shock cables in their hands, waiting to chase Lexi, Caleb and Re. Okay she was fully expecting that.

But the room had been completely empty and everything was in exactly the same place as it was when they had left which only meant that Riverfield hadn't even noticed they were gone yet. Which in one way was great but it also meant that he could walk through the door at any minute now.

She'd lost track of time but it had been at least a couple of hours since they escaped.

Lexi tries to focus her mind on finding any sort of communication device to help her and averts her eyes from the wooden table full of equipment meant to torture them. If she looked at them, she'd just freeze in fear and she could risk getting caught. She shakes her head and averts her eyes. She could risk her best friend and her- Caleb dying because she was too weak to even look at a bunch of knives.

She silently searches around a little more desperatly looking for a phone but it's a feeble attempt. There's no such device in here and Lexi regrets coming back. She takes one last look around the barn before heading back towards the door.

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