T w e n t y T w o

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Chapter 22:

It must be 10 minutes later that Caleb returned, making his presence known as he saunters over to the two girls loudly in his thick boots, and the sound of metal colliding against the stone floor. "I'm back. Did you miss me?" He asks with a smirk as he placed himself between the two chairs occupied by Lexi and Re.

Re only stares up at him in disgust clearly not sharing the same fear for him as Lexi. Lexi looks up at him with tear brimmed eyes and a look of plea that silences her words.

"Now..." He looks between the two girls and crosses his arms over his chest, raising his brows. "Who wants to go first?"

Lexi starts sobbing again when he pulls a lighter out and starts waving it around in front of him as if it amuses him. Now, even Re's eyes widen, fearing him now more than ever.

"Caleb, don't do this. You aren't well." Lexi voices cautiously just above a whisper. "You haven't been taking your medication and it's making you delusional. It's making you think that I was a part of the abuse you suffered when I wasn't."

"Stop!" he shouts, seeming to have turned from his crazed good mood. "I'll start with you." he points at Re and turn back to face Alexa. "So that you can watch her die before I kill you."

"Please." Lexi cries. "I'm begging you, I'll do anything! Just leave her out of it. She didn't do anything to you, it was all me. Please don't kill her."

"You're right. I wouldn't have even had to kill her. She doesn't...look right." He says confusing the two girls. "But if I let her go, she'll get me caught. And we can't have that."

Lexi frowns and Re boldly speaks up. "What do you mean I don't look right?" she asks the serial killer as if he had offended her.

He walks over to her, shutting off the lighter and shoving it in his pocket.

He leans in to intimidate her and smirks. "I mean you don't look like the type of girl I usually kill. I have a kind you see." Caleb explains cynically, smirking as he says so, finding the whole ordeal amusing.

Lexi is now beginning to see just how fucked up he is without the medication to mask his insanity. No-one dares to ask about his 'usual victims' so Caleb takes it upon himself to explain without being asked.

He turns back to Lexi and walks over to her now instead. Once he's removed all space between the two, he bends down so hes eye level with her, Lexi being forced to look into his eyes, too scared to look anywhere else.

"You were the one who wanted to know why I killed all those women when we first met, you really wanna know why Alexa?" He questions in a tone the questions ones sanity.

Lexi doesn't answer, because honestly, she doesn't want to know. Not when she could be next.

Caleb answers anyway, ignoring the look of unease in Lexi's eyes. "You must've noticed the similarities between my victims Alexa. The resemblance between them all was uncanny."

This was true. Lexi remembers thinking the same thing when she had researched his victims that one night, horrified after seeing images that would scar her emotionally for life.

"Well, there a reason that they all have the same colored hair and eyes. There was a reason they were all similarly aged and built and there was a reason why they all had the same distinct facial features. It wasn't all a coincidence, Alexa!" He explains, raising his voice in anger towards the end.

He stands up from his place in front of Lexi abruptly and walks away behind her for a second and returns with her bag in hand. "Do you still have it, huh?" He questions Lexi, rummaging through her bag. "The picture?"

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