E p i l o g u e

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He's standing tall over her petite little body that seems even shorter without any shoes on. She struggles to look up at him from all the way down here so she tilts her head back until it hits the wall. "Ow!" She mutters, rubbing the spot on the back of her head.

The corners of his lips curve up a little until she notices and glares at him. "Are you laughing at me?" She demands, crossing her arms (with difficulty might she add because he's so damn close).

The curve in his mouth fails to disappear but the words come out serious. "No, never." His large hand hovers beside her head on the wall and he moves it so he's cupping the back of it, right on the spot where she hit it, gently rubbing soothing patterns into her scalp.

She's still glaring when he asks "better?" And he doesn't get much more of a reply than that.

He bends his knees a ducks a little to meet her height and move his face closer to hers. "I'm curious..." he starts, removing his hand from the back of her head to lean it back on the wall for support. "...you once said, and I quote, 'I've done it with plenty of guys thank you very much. Not that it's any of your business anyway, pervert.'"

She wants to laugh at the surprisingly good American accent he comes out with but it's just a little too valley girl and she ends up blushing instead. She blushes bright red but doesn't back down from the long glare she's still shooting at him. Her lip does twitch ever so slightly though and he catches it. "Yeah, so?"

He leans in closer, their noses almost touch. "So...I don't believe you. I bet you've never even kissed a guy." He shrugs a little saying it like it's a known fact.

She scoffs. "Of course I have!"

"Sure, love."

Her eyes widen in disbelief because how dare he insult her like that. She's already at a disadvantage being in such close proximity with him, this just adds fuel to fire.

"Prove it." He whispers, flicking his gaze down to her lips for the shortest second before flicking them back up to her eyes, eyebrows raised in a challenge.

She's immobilised and unsure of how to play this game. She could always push him away for insulting her like that, but she could also give in and finally get what she's been craving for so long. He sees her debate this in her head and his lips grow into a deeper smirk.

"It's okay if you haven't love. You're not to blame. I mean you're young and probably shy around mos-" he starts to say but he's cut off by the peck she leaves on his lips, so quick that he questions whether it even happened or not.

His eyebrows shoot up and he's straight up smiling now. "You call that a kiss?"

She scoffs, crossing her arms over her chest again. And again, with much, much difficulty. "Yes."

He starts to chuckle and she feels it against the skin of her bare arm as it rumble through to her own chest.

Oh she's definitely angry now. "As if I have to prove anything to you anyway. Just because I don't go around kissing everyone I meet doesn't mean I haven't kissed anyo-" and now it's her turn to be cut off because before she knows it, his lips are on hers like darkness looking for light, coldness looking for warmth or thirst looking for water.

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