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Chapter 12:

"Caleb!" Lexi screams in panic dropping her bag, file and even her phone of the marble white floor haphazardly and running over to his side. "Caleb!"

Frantically scanning his body, top to bottom, looking for any sign of what may have happened to him, she gives up and goes head first into his chest.

Placing her left ear on his upper chest, Lexi had never felt so relieved in hearing the steady beat of Caleb Castillo's heart of all people.

But that relieved feeling lasts for half a second before Caleb slips back into consciousness and let's out a pained scream as if he was in an unbearable amount of pain.

Lexi lifts her head up from his chest and immediately moves her panic ridden eyes to bore into his. "Caleb! What's wrong? What's happening?"

Without thinking, she's wiping the blood from his nose with her bare hands and using her other hand to feel his forehead which she can only describe as scorching hot.

When he doesn't reply, face twisted in pain, Lexi starts coming to her senses and starts calling for help. She doesn't want to leave his side so she opts for pressing the red button on the remote given to her before every session she has with Caleb.

Though she has never had to use the button before, she's thankful now that the staff insisted on her carrying it on her whilst visiting him. 

She presses it multiple times, as if that'd get them, someone, anyone to come quicker as she attempts to soothe Caleb by putting his head on her lap and caressing his hair softly as he continues to look as if in agonising pain.

She tries to ignore the fact that she is comforting someone who she should despise, but she was raised better than that. And although she should hate Caleb, she can't help but feel absolutely sorry for him as he's clearly been through a lot.

Caleb stops screaming and is heaving instead as his eyes get visibly heavier and he drifts back out of consciousness, which scares Lexi again. She can't help that her heart beat is beating a million beats per second.

"What happened in here?" A voice calls out and Lexi doesn't even notice that at least 5 people had rushed into the room.

Lexi's incoherent when the question is asked and she tries her best to calm herself down and form an understandable sentence. "He..he was fine. Then he collapsed. I-I don't know what's wrong with him." The last few words come out in a whimper.

She doesn't notice the looks that the medics and nurses give each other, too busy fixing her gaze on Caleb.

One of the nurses pries Lexi off of Caleb and leads her towards the door. "I'm sorry but you can't be in here."

Finally taking her eyes off Caleb, she snaps her head towards the nurse and glares. "Why not? What's wrong with him?"

"I'm sorry Miss, but we don't know yet. And until we find out, you can't be in here." She says, motioning Lexi outside.

Taking one last worried look at Caleb, seeing him unconscious but shivering violently, Lexi reluctantly leaves the room and takes a seat in the waiting room.

She couldn't just leave, so she decides on waiting it out to see what could've happened to him. As she loses herself in her thought, Lexi couldn't help but feel a little guilty for being harsh towards him earlier and vows that from now on, she'd try and be nice to him no matter what.

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