T w e n t y F o u r

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Chapter 24:

It was warm outside, the sun shining brightly in the blue sky as Lexi is walking through the busy streets in order to get to her destination in a hurry.

A smile is plastered on her face for it was her birthday and that meant scoffing possibly the yummiest red velvet cake with whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles down her throat.

When asked, she wouldn't share a single bite but knew that she'd eventually give in if it was her parents asking.

The small sound of a 'ding' is heard as she opens the door to the entrance of the restaurant and Lexi instantly grimaces at the sight of her parents stealing a kiss, right in front of her- in public!

"Gross! Mom, dad, that should be illegal after the age of 30." Lexi complains, setting her bag down on one of the tables and nearing the cake that was set out decoratively.

Her mother rolls her eyes and simply replies, "You'll find out soon enough the addiction of kissing the one you love."

Lexis father on the other hand, playfully glares at his wife and goes to hug his daughter. "Not for a long while yet though, right Alexa?"

Lexi simply rolls her eyes and hugs her dad back, moving around him to hug her mom too. "Happy birthday, sweetie. We made your favourite." She says, motioning the cake that looked heavenly delicious.

Lexis dad chuckles. "And by we, your mother means she ruined the first one and I made the second on my own. Without any of her help."

Lexi eyes the cake, eager to give it a taste. "Well it looks amazing dad. Maybe the best one you've made so far."

"Alexa please. His ego doesn't need boosting. The cake is average." Her mom teases.

"Hey!" Her father exclaims.

Lexi simply giggles at her parents' playful banter, dipping her finger in the cake as tasting the icing whilst they aren't looking.

"Alexa! That's for the party later. You can't finish it all now." Her mum only mildly scolds at her but it's all in playfulness.

Puppy dog eyes and a pout always works on her parents to get herself out of trouble. Maybe it's because she's an only child but Lexis parents always melt at the face and it may have made her a tad bit spoilt during her younger years too.

Her mother and father simply laugh at the adorable face she pulls and she can't help but join in too, revelling in the beautifully melodic sound.

Her own laugh fades though and soon she can only hear her parents laugh. The laugh is distorted as Lexi begins to feel dizzy and her parents laughter turns into cries of terror. Soon, screams from her parents are heard and then that starts to fade too, instead replaced with screams coming from her own mouth as well as Re.

Lexi opens her eyes to find herself in a dimly lit room, tied to a chair and the screams seem to be coming from Re, who is also tied to a chair at the other end of the room.

It was a dream.

Lexi can feel harsh tears falling down her face as her head pounds when reality hits her hard. She looks frantically around the room, slightly confused as to why she was there, questioning whether this too was a dream or not.

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