S i x t e e n

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Chapter 16:

Neither of them are quite sure how it happened, but Lexi managed to shift in her sleep so that she is no longer on the bed but sleeping directly on top of Caleb, pressed up against his bare chest and drooling more than what is deemed acceptable.

It's the howling of the wind outside that wakes Caleb up in a jolt, startled slightly by the weight on top of him. He isn't surprised, it was almost winter.

He's confused for a millisecond before he realises the events of last night. He curses himself when he realises that he had basically spilled all of his secrets to someone he knew so little.

He isn't sure exactly what time it is, but it's still dark outside which Caleb takes as a good thing. He'd be able to wake Alexa up before the doctors came for his next torture session. He wouldn't want anything to happen to Alexa because of him.

He still doesn't have a clue why they're torturing him. He starts to wonder if they do it to all of the patients. He comes to the conclusion that he is probably the only one. They simply wouldn't get away with doing it to that many people.

But why are they doing it to Caleb? It could just be because he's a terrible person who's done horrific things- he basically deserved it. But Caleb starts to wonder if there's more to it than that.

He wants to get out of here to escape the continuous torment that he's been suffering for a few weeks now. He's just glad he's been able to keep it from Alexa for a while since she only found out yesterday. She wants answers and Caleb's not sure he can give them to her seeing as he doesn't know what's going on here himself. All he knows is that he needs to find a way to get out of here and he needs to do it quickly.

Alexa drools some more onto Caleb's chest and Caleb looks down at her, gritting his teeth and clenching his jaw in slight anger at her position, directly atop him. He realises that his arm tightly wrapped around the length of her whole waist and immediately snaps it back so it's laying on his side instead of touching her.

Glaring down at her, he makes no effort to refrain from startling her as he calls her name, directly beside her ear. "Alexa."

She stirs in her sleep, furrowing her eyebrows, mumbling something incoherent and nuzzling deeper into his chest. "Alexa!" He tries louder.

She jumps a little at the harshness of his voice and looks up at him, thick sleep evident in her eyes but still narrowed to a prominent glare. "What?!" She hisses.

"Get. Off. Me." Caleb seethes, the nostrils of his sharp nose flaring.

Alexa seems to have only just realised the intimate position they're in because it's at that exact moment she gasps loudly and practically flies off of Caleb's body. In attempt I'm doing so though, she falls to the hard marble floor on her ass, groaning loudly at the impact.

"Shut. The fuck. Up." Caleb scowls at her for being so damn loud whilst wiping the drool off his chest in disgust. This causes Lexi to glare up at him from her potion on the floor with her arms crossed.

"That was your fault!" Lexi whisper yells at him, still on the floor. Her ass hurts so much, she thinks she might start to cry.

Caleb sits up on the very uncomfortable hospital bed and stretches his arms and neck. Lexi on the other hand, didn't even notice how uncomfortable the bed was seeing as Caleb was her bed for the past 4 or so hours. That's how long they fell asleep for. "Maybe if you weren't laying on top of me and literally drooling all over me, I wouldn't have had to yell to get you to wake up."

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