T w e n t y S e v e n

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Chapter 27:

Re's hands begin to shake uncontrollably and she fears that she might drop the dagger on the floor before she gets to stab Marcus.

Marcus begins walking up to her slowly, smirking a little, as if he's certain that she's too scared to mean him any harm. Little does he know, that Re prepares to hold the dagger in the perfect position in her hand so she can strike when he's close enough. It takes him a while but eventually he gets there, standing right in front of Re, all tall and intimidating.

"How did you get out?" He questions threateningly, a tone of warning hidden behind the words as if he'd punish her no matter the answer.

Lexi looks up at the two of them who are stood right beside her, Re maybe only a few inches from Lexi and Marcus only a few inches in front of Re.

It's completely silent for a minute as Re contemplates her next move. Lexi is completely scared and Caleb seems to show no emotion, as always.

"This." Re says confidently whilst swinging her hand in front of her and attempting to jab him with the dagger.

And she actually manages to strike him once clean in the shoulder resulting in a stumble back from Marcus as he tries to comprehend what had just happened.

He's quick to recover though, and instead of letting the pain get to him, Marcus grabs Re by the hair and drags her across the room easily with one hand and holding onto the newly cut wound on his shoulder with the other. "Bitch."

His grip around the back of her head is strong, refusing to let go no matter how hard she struggles. "Re, run!" Lexi screams, encouraging her friend to get the hell out of there while she still has the chance.

Re wasn't weak, and she definitely knew how to defend herself, laying a few punches and kicks on Marcus as he drags her across the room. But his height and build advantage, diminishes all hope and his strength is vast as if he has had training of some sort.

Marcus attempts to hold Re against him as she continues to put up a fight, kicking, clawing and every scratching him with her long fingernails in attempts to harm him in some way. He harshly turns her to face away from him and holds her flush against his front with his left hand still grasping at the long hairs on the back of her head and the other arm around her waist tightly so she couldn't move.

Both her arms were held down and Marcus' immense strength was enough to still her completely. He doesn't hesitate to pull harshly on her hair once before snatching the dagger from her hand and stabbing her with it.

"No!" Lexi cries out as she watches the scene before her, tearing up immediately. It was a clean blow to the stomach, piercing through her thin sweater and the flesh of the skin by her abdomen. And then she stills.

One minute she's kicking and screaming, trapped in his arms and the next, she's frowning out in terrible pain from the stab wound and unable to keep herself up by her own two feet - her legs giving out.

If it wasn't for Marcus holding the weight of her body up, she would collapsed to the floor. Marcus throws the dagger aside and drags her by the hair to her chair.

Lexis scream can be heard behind them both and she begins to sob hysterically at what she had just witnessed.

Marcus handles the task of tying Re back to the chair after he's moved it from its place near the table of weapons. Lexi notices that Re has lost consciousness and her head drops causing Lexi to cry out even more so for her friend.

What if she's dead?!

"Quiet!" Marcus bellows at Lexi, making her jump as much as she could whilst tied to the chair. She momentarily stops crying aloud but it doesn't stop the stream of tears that falls down her cheek silently but harshly.

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