Game- Sally Sally

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Sally Sally

You will need:
-a full length mirror
-a white gown, or shirt and pants
-a pair of scissors
-a match
-a wheat or grain field of some sort

How to play:
1. One day before set up the mirror in the middle of the field.

2.Go into the field at 11:00pm, not earlier and no later in the white clothing (works best if it is a dress), make sure you do not enter the field with shoes on, leave them at the spot where you enter.

3. Sit in front of the mirror staring at yourself for three minutes (count in your head)

4. After the tree minutes is up take the scissors and cut of a lock of your hair, place it in front of the mirror.

5. Strike the match and careful not to burn up the field, because honestly that is just about the worst thing you can do, light the hair on fire.

6. As it burns chant the words "Sally, Sally, are you here?" 13 times

7. Close your eyes for one minute and when you open them ask a question to your reflection, if it has worked your reflection will not move when you ask and will reply back to you on its own, ask as many questions as you like.

8. When you are ready to leave say "goodbye Sally" and turn around away from the mirror and walk back the way you came, put on your shoes and do not return for anything until the day after.

Be warned though once you do this you will have all the answers you want but your reflection will now have a mind of its own and will move about freely but only you will see it. And whatever you do NEVER attempt this more than three times.

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