The Night

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Driving at night is peaceful, the soft light pieces the dark casting everything in a warm glow.
Driving by yourself at night is a different matter all together, the shadows seem to almost come alive, reaching out for you, alone in a blackness that threatens to engulf you.
Driving at night always makes you feel unsettled but tonight is especially bad. With every minute you become more and more unsettled you lock the doors and focus on the road ahead, or at least what you are able to see from the small amount of light that your dodgy car emits.

A flash of white on the side of the road. a figure? No. Fear does funny things to the mind.
You ride in silence on a road of seemingly never ending darkness.
You see it again, it seems...closer?
It couldn't be, you tell yourself to stop being silly, to control yourself.
You drive slower, just in case something, or someone is there, you want to see it or them.
You drive for ages and just when you tell yourself to give up, to stop looking for something that's not there you see it.
It is definitely a figure, just maybe not a human one. It stands at the edge of the road, now emerged out of the tree line, it is definitely coming closer.

Fear grips your heart, panic fills your body, you do the only thing you can think of, you slam your foot on the accelerator so that you can make it back home safe.
You speed along, every second feeling longer than the last, every heart beat speeding up.
Suddenly you slam on your breaks to avoid hitting the figure, now standing centimeters from your car.
It is not like anything you have ever seen before, it's naked pale flesh sags and black ooze drips out of its bulbous eyes.
You reverse the car and screech away hardly being able to make sense of anything around you.
When you are home safe you sink into bed feeling the comfort of the cover around you. You turn over and face the window realizing that you forgot to shut the curtains, a handprint of the same black ooze is on the glass. You shiver then freeze as you feel a thin cold hand trail down your back.

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