Dr. Parks

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I winced as I bit down on the wrong side momentarily forgetting about the annoying hole in my tooth. I finished off the rest of my sandwich the best I could before heading off to my one o'clock dentist appointment.
Nerves raced through me as I sat fidgeting in the waiting room, I had never been great at the dentist but it made it worse that I had just moved to a new state and had never even met the guy before.
"May Caliente?" The dentist's nurse asked as she emerged from one of the rooms.
"Yes, that's me" I said standing up ready to follow her,
"Dr. Parks will see you now" she said motioning for me to follow her.
I walked along the white hallway, peeking into the rooms as I went along, shivering at the sound of drills buzzing. I walked behind the nurse into the room I was to be treated in, I let out a breath, there was nothing to worry about, it was almost exactly like the one I used to go to. A man who I assumed was Doctor Parks walked in. He gave me an uneasy feeling as he loomed over me, his dark, intense eyes met mine,
"Have a seat Miss Caliente" he said in a monotone voice almost staring me down.
I lowered myself into the chair and the nurse started to put the glasses and bib on me.
"So we are getting a filling today" he said glancing at his computer, "which side is the tooth?"
"It's-uh the left side, up the top" I said pointing to the area.
He lowered the chair and prepared to start giving me a filling. I mentally prepared myself for the needle and squeezed my eyes shut when it came time to inject it.
I felt the numbness seize not only my mouth but my entire body. My eyes shifted around but I couldn't move, I tried to call out but no sound escaped my lips.
"She's got some nice teeth" Doctor Parks said nodding at the nurse,
"They'll make some nice dentures" she replied with a nod,
Fear overtook me as he pulled out a large set of pliers. I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the shine of the pliers, my blank, emotionless face stared back at me.
I internally screamed with every tooth he pulled out, the wild look in his eyes terrified me and I was powerless against anything he did to me.
"Last one" he said as he wrenched the pliers towards him,
The nurse swooped in and started sucking up the blood from that tooth,
"Don't bother" he said as he picked up another needle, this one filled with straw coloured liquid, "we're done with her now"
A single tear slipped out of my eye as he jammed the needle into my neck. I felt the tear roll down my neck as everything faded to black.

I know this is kind of a strange one but it was inspired by my dentist visit today. I hope you enjoy!
PS: if you would like your name mentioned in any story feel free to leave a comment!

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