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This is a bit of a weird one, sorry about that.

I love my new house. It is the best house on the street, it's big, it's got a big yard, and the neighbours don't bother me at all, I haven't even seen them.
The only problem that I have is that no matter how often I vacuum, no matter how hard I clean, there is always small piles of soil around my house, I don't know why they are there, but I always know that I have to clean them up every morning and every afternoon after work.

It's beginning to really bother me, why is there always dirt?!? I am so sick of all the dirt! Where is it coming from??? I think I might hire a cleaner to come I once a week they might be able to fix the problem.

I fired the cleaner, she had only been working here for three weeks and the piles of dirt each day were much smaller, but I found all these funny scratches around the house, I'm sure it was her. I'll have to find a new cleaner.

Every cleaner I have hired has quit, I guess I'll have to go back to cleaning up the dirt piles myself. When I was walking around the house yesterday I thought that there were more scratches than before, I can't be sure though.

I'm beginning to get worried. Why does no one come near my house? Why have I never seen the neighbours? Why are there still dirt piles? Why are there more scratches on the floor? Why do I wake up with bloody sheets and scratches all over me?

She's in my house. She's dirty. I can't leave, I can't go to work, my phone is gone, I'm stuck in here. Where am I? An I in the basement? She's in here. She's old and dirty, she scratches. Ouch, ouch, she scratches. She scratches. She scr-


Officer White

I closed the ratty leather bound book. I was no closer to finding out what happened to Elizabeth Mason. I looked around me, the basement walls were covered in blood, dried, crusty blood was splattered all over the floor and walls, it was the most horrific crime scene I had ever seen in the odd fifteen years that I had been working in the police force. The most horrifying thing about this particular case was the way her body was found, it was found five days after her death by one of her neighbours who was curious about the smell. Her elderly neighbour, an old woman, who was clothed in dirty garden-ware from tending to her plants, said that Elizabeth was always a bit of a recluse, rarely ever seen outside the house, never actually stepping out of her yard and was often spotted madly pacing back and forth in her house, and at night could be seen digging in the garden with her bare hands. The neighbour described that sometimes at night screams could be heard coming from the house. The body was torn open and the skin from her torso lay neatly to her sides displaying her internal organs. At first the death was ruled as a suicide, after all it seemed obvious that she was completely mad, but something still puzzled me; why was the basement door locked from the outside?

How did she die? Murder? Suicide? What do you think? Leave a comment!
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